Chapter 13

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in so long. Between school and work, I haven't had time to write. Again, I'm sorry, and to everyone who has been reading, thank you so much. Here's chapter 13, I hope you enjoy it. <3

Chapter 13
Kaitlyn's POV

This is crazy. Klaus killed me, and I came back to life. I guess there are spells for everything. Now I'm stuck in this boarding house because Damon wants to be dumb and not let me run off again. I sighed. "I'm bored. Can I at least go to the grill?" I asked. "Nope." Damon replied. "Idiot." I mumbled.

All he does is laugh. "That's not going to get you anywhere." He stated. "I don't care. You are still an idiot." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Think what you want, but I assure you I am not." He said. "Oh, ok. I'll believe that when you don't do something stupid or wreckless." I said. "Very funny." He said.

I sighed, again. "Just let me go do something fun, please, for my sake." I said. "Nope. You are staying right here." He said. "God, you are such a dumb wad." I mumbled. "Heard that." He said. "No duh, sherlock." I said. I smirked. I stood up when he turned around. I ran, and snapped his neck.

Why didn't I think of this ages ago? I could have been long gone by now. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. Toronto, here I come, again. This time, I'm not leaving. Unless it's a life or death situation, which I doubt will happen. I made it in record time. I check back into the same hotel.

Of course, I didn't use my real name. Those idiots would find me again, which I don't want them to, so Sara it is. I dropped my bag by the bed and sat down in one of the chairs. I need to have some fun, but what could I possibly do? Oh, I know. I've got the best idea ever. I just need a good target.

I exited the hotel, and walked along the street. I watched different people walk in and out of all the shops lined up along the shopping strip. Well, until I spotted a blonde boy walking towards me. I stood right in front of him. "Hello." I said. "Hello." He smiled. "Come on, lets go have some fun." I said.


I walked back into my hotel room feeling more satisfied than I anticipated. My phone began to buzz, and I just realized Damon made sure he put in his number. Idiot. "What?" I answered. "Where are you?" He asked. "None of your business." I said. He groaned. "Kaitlyn, stop being stubborn." Nope.

I laughed. "You obviously don't know me very well Damon." I said. "I do too. I know that you are very stubborn, and you don't listen to a word I say." He said. "True. Now, why can't you understand that I want to be alone?" I asked. "I know that you do." He said. "Then, please let me be." I said. "Kaitlyn.."

I sighed. "What Damon?" I asked. "I can't let you be alone because Klaus could find you, and then he could find out you remember everything, and then he'll kill you again, and if that happens, you will not come back." He explained. "Why do you even care?" I asked. "Because, I just do, Kaitlyn."

He's getting on my nerves. "That's not a very good reason. What's the real reason?" I said. "I'll tell you the real reason, on one condition." He said. "And that would be?" I asked. "You have to come back to Mystic Falls." He said. "Yeah, about that, no." I said, and with that, I hung up. Idiot.

I don't need to know, and I'm not going to let him bribe me. How dumb. I say idiot too much, but he's just an idiot. Now that I think about it, that's his new nickname. I laughed just thinking about it. Now, what can I do? I'm bored out of my mind, and, wait, I can explore, that sounds like a plan.

I, again, exit the hotel. I made my way to the end of the street, well, I stopped when I felt a sharp object plunge into my back. I winced at the pain it was causing. I slowly turned around, and gasped when I saw who it was. I started to say something, but I fell, it had been a vervain dart.



Who could it have been?

I hope you liked this chapter, it took me some time to write and edit. Again, I'm sorry it's been so long, but I have been very busy. Anyways,
Comment, vote, fan, do whatever you want. I also do like advice, or criticism. It helps me make my writing better. Thank you to those who are reading this.


Sorry it's short!

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