Chapter 7

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Hey my lovely readers! First of all, this story has 1,132 reads, which is freaking amazing!!! I never dreamt that I would ever have that many reads, second of all, I am so so so so so sorry!!! It's been so long since I've updated, and kill me if you want. I'm kidding about the last part, but I know I am a horrible person! I promise to update more frequently! Well here's Chapter 7. I hope you all enjoy!! Later my cinnamon buns! :)


Chapter 7: Save Stefan from Klaus' compulsion..

What I saw was something I never wanted to see. Lying in the middle of Stefan's room on the floor was Lexi's now lifeless body. Stefan killed her, he was definitley under Klaus' compulsion. I ran back downstairs. My eyes teared up, Lexi was like a sister to me and now she was dead. "Damon!" I yelled.

He was next to me in the blink of an eye. "Kaitlyn, what's wrong?" Damon asked. "Lexi's dead! Stefan killed her.." I told him. "Stefan killed Lexi?" He asked. "Is that not what I just said?" I asked. "Well..." He began. "Nevermind, just go to Stefan's room and look for yourself." I told him. After he went upstairs I ran out the front door.

I managed to find Klaus' new mansion which was in Mystic Falls. "Klaus!" I said angrily. "Hello Kaitlyn." Klaus said casually. "Why?" I asked. "Why did you compell Stefan?" I asked him. "Oh, I have my reasons, and I won't be telling you them. Jake, please come here." Klaus said. "Fine. Why do you want me dead?" I asked. I saw, what I'm assuming is one of his hybrid slaves, walk in the room.

"I want you dead because you're in the way." He said. "In the way of what?" I asked. "Everything. You're preventing me from getting the doppleganger, and what not. So I need you dead. Happy?" He replied. "Happy? Am I happy? I am no where near happy at all!" I said.

"Jake, get her." Klaus ordered. I turned and began to run until something exploded behind me and I fell to the ground. Vervain grenade.

The next thing I knew I was being dragged into a room. "Hope you learned your lesson." Klaus said. "What lesson?" I asked. "You ask too many questions. Never run from me." He said in an annoyed tone and closed the door.

I pulled out my phone and attempted to call Damon who did not answer his phone. "Great." I mumbled. I got up from where I was on the ground. I get to sit in this cell and rot. Unless I can find a way out of here. I walked to the door and tried to open it. I failed.

I dialed Elena's number and at least she answered. "Hey Kaitlyn!" Elena answered. "Hey Elena, Listen, I need you to get Damon and tell him that I'm trapped in a cell at Klaus' Mansion. Klaus wants me dead and I need to get out of here." I told her. "Ok, I'll try to get ahold of him." Elena said. "Thank you Elena." I thanked her. "No problem." She said. "Bye." I said and hung up the phone.

I sighed and sat on the bed like thing. I laid down and drifted off to sleep.

"Kaitlyn." I heard my name and my eyes slowly opened. I sat up and looked towards the door to see Klaus. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked. "A bit grumpy aren't we?" Klaus said. "Obviously." I said annoyed. "Jake." He said. I raised an eyebrow and the hybrid slave walked into the cell. He dropped a bag in front of me and left, a long with Klaus.

I picked up the bag and opened it.

In the bag was a note...

'Use these blood bags wisely, you will not get any more after those. I'm sure you are wondering why there's a stake in the bag...Well you will just have to wait for the answer to that.'

In the bag was 3 blood bags and a stake, which you obviously figured out from reading the note. I placed the items back in the bag and set it a side.

"Kaitlyn!" I heard my name again and being annoyed already... "What? For the love of God leave me alone!" I snapped. "I guess you want to stay here." I heard a very familiar voice say. My head snapped up and an immediate smile spread across my face.

I was at the door in seconds. "Damon!" I said happily." He opened his mouth to say something, but then his eyes began drooping. He fell to the ground, I'm assuming, and there stood that Jake guy holding a vervain dart. He smirked at me, and bent over. I guess he was picking up Damon.

I was right. He threw Damon over his shoulder. "You've got to be kidding me!" I said angrily. God, this has been a terrible week. I heard nothing but faint footsteps and started mumbling colorful things under my breath, which I normally don't do, unless I'm beyond angry, which I was.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Stefan's number. "Hello?" He answered. "Stefan, you actually answered my phone call." I said. "What do you want?" He asked. "Well, I'm stuck in a cell in Klaus' Mansion, oh wait, you're stuck in the cell at the boarding house. Well that makes two of us. And I just remembered you are currently trying to kill me." I said. "Trying to kill you?" He asked.

"Um, yes. Seeing as how you've come close to it several times." I said. "Oh, and not to mention, you killed our best friend, Lexi." I added. "I-i-i killed L-l-lexi?" He stuttered. "Yes you did...seeing as how her body was in your room." I told him. My eyes teared up again.

"But why? I don't understand anything. What's going on?" He said. "Wait a minute. I thought you were under Klaus' compulsion..." I said. "Let me call you back." I said. I hung up the phone and called Bonnie. "Bonnie. How is Stefan not compelled any more?" I asked as soon as she answered.

"I found a spell that took away the compulsion. But it took away his memory during the time he was under compulsion." She replied. "Interesting. Gotta go, thanks for answering my question." I told her. Too many phone calls. I hung up and dialled Stefan's number.

"Where were we? Oh yeah... Are you still in the basement cell?" I asked. "No." He replied. "Really? Well then I guess you wouldn't mind helping me get out of here, that way I don't end up dead." I said.

"I'll be there soon." He said. God, every day gets weirder. I grabbed a blood bag out of that bag and drank it. Refreshing.

Klaus appeared in front of the door again. I was beyond angry and annoyed, and I did not want to hear him blab. "What Klaus?" I asked. He opened the cell door and was in front of me immediatley. "I thought this would be a more interesting way of killing you." He said. A puzzled expression came across my face and I glared at him. He pinned me by the throat and I knew he was going to compell me.

"You are going to take that stake, and you are going to stake yourself in the heart. You got it?" Klaus compelled. "I got it." I said. "Good, now do it." Klaus said.

I walked over to the bag, grabbed the stake, and positioned it in front of where my heart was. Stefan appeared behind Klaus. Klaus turned and had him pinned.

The stake peirced through my skin and went through my heart. I fell to the ground and saw Stefan's pale white face. "Kaitlyn!" He yelled. Damon appeared by Klaus and went pale. I struggled for breath as the grey veins appeared all over my body. I took one more look at Damon and Stefan and then the world was gone.



Oh my gosh. Is she dead for good? Well, I know what's going to happen, but you all gotta wait for the next chapter, I'm sorry. I know this was really short, but I had to leave it with a cliffhanger of some sort. But pretty crazy ending huh? Well, comment, vote, fan, tell the people of the world, your pets, your friends, family, maybe even your stuffed animals. ;) Well until next time my little cinnamon buns!

Haha that's y'alls new nickname. Kay, I'm going to try and start the next chapter so I can get it published as well.

BYE!!! :D

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