Chapter 3

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Heyy peoples! So i know i'm slow at uploading, but I promise I will try to be faster. And remember the only person I own is Kaitlyn and i own nothing from the books or show. Ok, so here's chapter 3, I hope this story is good so far.. Well I hope you like this chapter. -- Star_Light_Angel :)

P.S. Chapter 3 starts with Kaitlyn's POV :)

Chapter 3: A day with Damon, Gotta give Stefan and Lexi some time

"Lexi?" Stefan said. "Hi!" Lexi said. "What're you doing here?" Stefan asked her as he stood up. "I couldn't miss your birthday. I mean who gets to turn 162 years old?" Lexi said. "Ah, that's right." Stefan said. "I'm gonna go." I said to them as i walked towards the front door. I walked outside and pulled out my phone. I texted Damon - Where are you? - I waited until he responded. My phone beeped and i looked at it, it said 1 new message from Damon - Still at the grill. - I put my phone back in my pocket and went to the grill.

I saw Damon at the bar and walked over there and sat down. "So why did you come back here? I thought you were going home for the night." Damon said turning his head to face me. "Because, Lexi came to visit Stefan for his birthday and I decided to give them some time." I replied. "Uh, ok." Damon said. "Why are you still sitting here at the grill anyway?" I asked. "I don't know, but would you rather me leave?" Damon said. "No, I was just wondering." I said. "Damon, I was thinking of doing something, like going somewhere for a while, to give Stefan and Lexi some time together." I told him. "Hmm...Ok, where would you want to go?" Damon said. "I don't know." I said. "Why would you think of that and not know where you wanted to go?" Damon asked. "Ok, ok, um, how about..." I trailed off. "What?" Damon asked. "How about...I don't know." I said. "Ok, Let's see, New York?" Damon said. "New York? Hmm... Ok." I said. "Good, We leave in the morning." Damon said. "One problem Damon, Stefan took my ring, I think, Because its not on my finger, and I thought it was, and its not, so I need to get my ring." I said. "God, why does he always do stuff like that?" Damon questioned.

Damon and I went home. "Stefan!" I called. He came into view. "Yes?" He said. "Where is my freaking ring!? I yelled. "Hmm...I don't know." Stefan said. "Liar!" I was getting angry now. "Ok, Fine, I took it." Stefan admitted. "Why?" I asked, puzzled expression planted on my face. "Because, you could have simply told me Lexi was here, not let her tackle me."Stefan explained. "What's going on?" Lexi said as she appeared next to Stefan. "Stefan took my ring!" I told her. Lexi turned to look at Stefan and smiled. "Stefan, give Kaitlyn her ring back." Lexi told him. I glared at Stefan. "Well? Where is it." I said, getting impatient. "Ok, fine, I'll go get it." Stefan said. "Good, now go get it bunny eater." I beamed. Stefan rolled his eyes and walked upstairs. "Someone's in a mood." I muttered, laughing under my breath. "Thank you Lexi." I said to her as I walked passed her. "Sure thing, So what are your plans for tomorrow?" I asked her. "Well, me and Stefan are going to a Party tonight. Tomorrow we're going to New York." Lexi said. "New York?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" She said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, no reason at all, I'm just surprised Stefan agreed to this." I lied. "Hmm...Ok." Lexi said, she shrugged it off and went upstairs. "Stefan! I'm getting very impatient!" I called up the stairs.

After a few minutes, Stefan came back down. He walked over to me, and extended his arm out, opening his hand to reveal my ring. "Here." He sighed. I grabbed it from his hand and put on my middle finger, on my left hand. I smiled and looked up at him and tilted my head to the side. "It's like you want me to die, right Stefan?" I said with a smirk. "What? No!" Stefan exclaimed. "Hm..That's what I thought, Dont take my ring again." I said giving him the 'warning' look. He rolled his eyes and then nodded. "Damon, Let's go." I said grabbing him by the wrist. "Where to?" He asked. "Hm, the grill, there's a party tonight and we are going." I said. He sighed and then followed me out the door. "Why are we going to this?" Damon asked, obviously bored. "Because you know I'm awesome enough to hang out with!" I said. "Fine." He gave in.

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