Chapter 10

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Hellooooooooo again! :) Ok, I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry I haven't updated in what, 3 months? I feel so bad, but I had drivers ed and my parents love to keep me busy, and it totally slipped my mind. Now, this time I promise to update like I had said. Mondays and Fridays. Alright, cool. Here's the chapter, I hope you guys love it! :))


Chapter 10 🔹Kaitlyn🔹

I'm in New York, now I just have to find a hotel. I'll pick a very fancy hotel and get myself a free room. Sounds like a plan. I used google to find a nearby hotel and when I did, I headed in that direction.

As I entered the hotel, I took a nice look around. I have to say, it's much nicer on the inside. In walked to the check in counter and waited for the girl to realise I was standing here. "Oh! How can I help you?" She is a little distracted, huh? Yeah.

"I would like the nicest suite available, please." I told her. She nodded and started typing something into her computer. "Name?" She questioned. "Kaitlyn." I said. She typed it in and looked back at me. "That will be..." I stopped her. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Free."

She nodded and looked back at the computer. "That will be free." She said, her gaze returning to me. "Thank you." I said, retrieving my room key. I walked up to my room and unlocked the door. I entered the room and smiled. Best idea ever. I'm just now realising how much I needed to get away.

And then my phone starts ringing... Really? I looked down at my phone and sighed. Damon, of course, is calling me. And the first thing he's gonna say, 'Where are you?' I hit ignore and groaned. They're going to blow my phone up.


Playing angry birds is really entertaining me. And since I smashed my last phone and got a new one, I haven't received one single call or text. Which would make sense, because they don't know this number. Ah, the beauty of my getaway.

I set my phone down and sighed. I'm bored. Hmm...
I think I'll go have some fun.

*** 🔹Damon🔹

"Where is she?" I asked for probably the millionth time. "I don't know, Damon. She's not answering any texts or calls. Not even emails." Stefan said. "Where could she have possibly gone? And why is she ignoring everyone?" I pushed. "You know what, just give her time. She'll come back, but it could be a while." He said.

"Whatever. I'm going to the grill." I announced. And before I knew it, I was sitting at the bar, ordering my usual. Sip after sip, I grew deeper in thought.

She must have went far. As in out of state, far. But as far as which state, I'm clueless. She could've went to another country for all I know.

Oh... I think I just figured out why she isn't answering texts or calls. Knowing Kaitlyn, she probably broke her phone and got a new one. That's one solution to that question. It'd make sense anyway.

*** 🔹Kaitlyn🔹

As I walked down the busy streets of New York City, I looked around at the different shops and clubs. New York is far more fun. Club it is. Glad I dressed decent.

I picked a random club and entered the line. Person after person, second by second, I finally found myself at the front. Why I didn't compel my way to the front, I have no idea. "Go on in." The dude said. I gave a small smile before entering the crowded building.

Ooh... Drinks. I walked up to the bar and took my time deciding. Even though I'm a vampire, a smoothie sounds extremely good right now. I don't know why, it just does. "Hello, what can I get for you?" A guy asked. "Could I get a berry delight smoothie?" I said. "Yeah. Hey, do I know you?" He said.

"Um... Unless your name is Cody, then no." I said. "My name is Cody. Kaitlyn, is that you?" He said. I grinned. "Yup! Cody, I missed you bro!" I exclaimed. Allow me to explain... Cody and I knew each other, let me reword that. Cody and I have known each since 1922. And since the day we met, we've been best friends. Yes, he's a vampire.

"I've missed you too!" He said with a smile. "It's been a year since I last saw you, what've you been up too?" I said. "Oh you know, other than draining the life out of people, just been here serving drinks and sneaking some of my own. Nothing exciting, what about you?" He said.

"That's so you. Sneaky, sneaky child. Damon and Stefan, you remember them, right? They love to annoy me. But uh, other than being kidnapped by idiots and then kidnapped again by Klaus who decided to kill me, nothing much." I told him. "What? Killed? Then how are you here? Are you a ghost?" He shot question after question at me.

"Chill bro, I'm not a ghost. I happen to know a witch who used a spell that brought me back from the dead. Crazy right?" I said. I could see the relief watch over him. "That is crazy. Why did Klaus kill you?" He asked. "He wanted me dead because I was in his way. I don't know. Whatever reason it was, it was stupid." I said. "I'm glad your ok." He said.

"Yeah." I said. "Here's you smoothie. I gotta get to a meeting with some old friends in a bit, but we could meet up soon, yeah?" Cody said. "Yeah, thanks for the smoothie." I said. "No problem. Talk to you later." He said. "Bye bro." I said. "Bye." He said with a small smile. After he walked from behind the counter, I stood up and gave him a hug.


I spent the next few hours in the club before heading back to the hotel. I think I'll call it a night, I wore myself out today.

I changed into a pair of grey shorts and a black tank top before climbing into the bed. And wow, this bed is comfortable. I pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes, trying to find sleep.

I spent the next half hour staring at a wall before I could even start to fall asleep. But when I did, I felt much happier knowing I'd get my much needed sleep.

**** A/N ****

What'd you guys think? I really hope you all are enjoying my story. Again I'm really sorry, I've been stressing myself out over stupid reasons and I've been very distracted. I know, I know, I'm terrible for taking this long to update. I promise to update! :) Oh, and I've had serious writers block. So... Yeah.

Comment, vote, and fan :) <3

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