1 - Intro

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Itadori Yuji's grandpa has recently died. His grandpa was the only family he had left. Now that he's not around, Yuji is always alone, but sometimes he likes it that way.

It was around 7 in the morning, and Itadori was not excited about a new school day. Itadori yawned and stretched his arms, then got ready for school.

"Gosh, I had 30 minutes to play around, but I decided to sleep in. What a waste. Now I gotta survive a stupid Monday." Itadori was all in his thoughts during the first 10 minutes in his class until he heard the classroom door slide open, and a strange boy walked in. Itadori was observing the guy. Long eyelashes, spiky hair, very slim for a guy.

"Alright guys, welcome our new student. Will you please introduce yourself to the class?" No response. "Hey, new kid, you awake?" the teacher already has a bad feeling about his first appearance. "Hm- oh yeah. My name's Fushiguro Megumi." "Is that all?" the teacher was at least hoping there was one guy who said more than his name. "Nope, that's all."

"Alright then. There's an open seat right beside the window last row. Your partner will be Itadori Yuji to your left." Itadori woke up from his thoughts after hearing that. This guy looks like he's pretty hard to get along with. Oh well.

The first period was over, finally. Itadori heard a voice from behind him. "Hey. Itadori, correct? Since you'll be my partner for the rest of the semester, mind showing me around real quick?" The new guy? Out of everyone. Maybe it's my chance to make a good appearance and make a new friend.

"Sure, I don't mind. Fushi....guro?" Shit, I wasn't listening when he was introducing himself. "Yeah, It's Fushiguro. Hey, has anyone ever told you you're so easy to read?" Yuji already wanted to smack him. He found that insulting.

"Bro, come on, we've barely spoken, and you look so pissed at me." Fushiguro has already started teasing Itadori since it seems fun. "I dislike you. I wish there was a dislike button on people." Itadori was joking, but Megumi seemed like the sarcastic type. "I'm not all full of sarcasm, just in case you're wondering about that. I'm serious most of the time. You just don't seem serious to me."

Itadori found himself already getting well along with Fushiguro. Man, I hope Fushiguro and I end up very close so I won't be lonely and will have someone to laugh with.

"We should talk more after school, Itadori. Maybe we have some special connection!!" Fushiguro said that in a sarcastic voice, but Itadori's face was already turning red, so he looked down. "Yeah. We should talk more." Itadori chuckled.

"Wait, it's almost the end of the 10-minute break. I can't be late this period, I have Algebra! Maybe after the third period, we can hang out during lunch?" Itadori knows they barely met, but he couldn't help himself. "Yeah, sure. Rooftop. 11:55. On the dot." Itadori smiled, "Got it!" He gave Fushiguro a thumbs up and then ran to algebra class.

Itadori wanted to stay behind the rest of his class and stay there for lunch, then he remembered. Lunch with Fushiguro! Shoot, it's already 11:54. Gotta run! Itadori made it right on the dot. He busted open the door to the rooftop, breathing heavily. "Why are you struggling to breathe?" Itadori didn't even have the energy to speak right then.

Itadori and Fushiguro were on the rooftop and watched as the clouds in the sky moved along. "Fushiguro, do you have any family with you?" Fushiguro was about to say no, but it was better if he was open with Itadori. "I have a father, but he's in the U.S currently. He gives me money for rent, food, and other things, but we don't speak often."

Itadori suddenly felt jealousy, but since Fushiguro didn't talk much with his father, it was practically like his father wasn't even there, so he wasn't all that jealous. "I don't have any family, my grandpa died earlier this month, and my parents died when I was young. But I'm okay. I have you as a friend now. My first friend ever!" Itadori smiled like a little kid getting a treat as a reward. Fushiguro felt special and chuckled. "Yeah, best friends." He smiled a little.

Itadori also felt special. Someone considered him their best friend! Itadori couldn't help but smile so much and hug Fushiguro. "You're the best, Fushiguro! I swear I'll stay by your side until the day I die!"

Fushiguro smiled but said, "That's a little too dramatic. Calm down a little." Itadori looked at him and smiled again. "But I just couldn't help it!"

Time flew, and it was time for their fourth period. The bell rung. "Ah shoot, Megumi, we better hurry!" Fushiguro seemed surprised that Itadori called him by his first name. "Sorry, I mean-" "It's fine." A smile crept on both their faces.

Yuji couldn't focus at all in the fourth and fifth periods. Ugh, Art is the worst. I'm terrible at this. But what was more on his mind was his new best friend, Megumi. Gosh, it feels so weird to be with him, but why? I wanna know what the feeling is. I just can't figure it out!!

Yuji was in his thoughts so much it was as if time sped up, and it was already time for the sixth period. To his surprise, he and Megumi had the same class for the sixth period, although they sat on opposite sides of the room. Megumi is in the last row, while Yuji is in the front.

Class ended, but when he was going to talk to Megumi, he suddenly ran from the classroom, quickly changed his shoes, and hurried out. Yuji wanted to follow him to see why he was in a hurry, but then a teacher asked for his assistance, and he was unable to follow Megumi.

I hope he's alright. I shouldn't panic, Megumi is smart enough to take care of himself? But his heart was sending a different message to his brain.

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