2 - Electric spark

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It was 4 pm, 2 hours after school ended. Itadori was heading to his apartment, and when he was opening his front door, a new guy was now living in apartment 6. He glanced at who it was, "Megumi?!"

It was a shock to Itadori, even though it was a small city. "Hm? Oh. Hello Itadori. What a surprise to be your new neighbor!" Itadori had no clue what to say and went with what his gut was telling him to say. "Uh- wanna eat dinner in my apartment?" Megumi was surprised to hear what he said "I... I can do that?" Megumi's never done this, so he was nervous and wanted Itadori's honest answer. "Of course, you can! You're always welcome in my apartment." Itadori then smiled and chuckled.

Megumi was already planning to eat at a restaurant, but oh well, he decided to go eat at Itadori's apartment since he didn't wanna hurt his feelings. Megumi entered Itadori's apartment, and when he looked inside, he was surprised it was clean and organized. "Wow, I thought you would be the type to keep the house messy." Itadori was aware of the image he spread to others and said, "I guess I seem like that, but I'm actually neat. I hate unorganized things."

"Itadori, have you decided what we're gonna eat yet?" Megumi was sitting on the couch watching the tv. "Yeah, we're eating sushi! Homemade!" Another surprise, Itadori can cook. "Wow, you really shouldn't judge someone by their looks. You're the definition of that, I swear."

After Itadori was done cooking, Megumi went over and ate with him. After Itadori swallowed his piece of sushi, he asked Megumi, "Hey, shouldn't you be calling me Yuji instead of Itadori? I'm allowed to call you Megumi, so I give you permission to call me Yuji!" Megumi was surprised. It sounds odd calling Itadori by his first name.

"Yuji." Yuji was surprised to hear his first name coming out of his mouth, even though he was given permission. "Yeah?" Megumi realized he said that out loud. "Oh, nothing. I was just testing its soundings." Yuji felt a thump in his heart. It's a misunderstanding. I gave him permission. He was only testing it! So why...

After they both finished eating, Megumi was gonna bounce. "Hey, I'm going to go back into my apartment. Thanks, for-" Yuji interrupted him. "Please don't go yet." Yuji has just realized what he's said. Shit, am I this lonely that I need to cling to Megumi?

Megumi was surprised but remembered that he has no family, and he's never had any friends to be with. "Alright, I'll stay a little longer before I go back. Yuji was surprised by his reaction. "Really? You'll stay?" Megumi smiled a little. "Of course, I'll stay a little more if it makes you happy."

Yuji had a big smile on his face. "Thank you, Megumi!". Megumi and Yuji were on the couch watching tv together. Megumi suddenly felt a gain of weight on his arm. "Hey, Yu-" Megumi stopped talking after realizing Yuji had fallen asleep. Megumi was staring at Yuji's sleeping face.

Wow, Yuji's beautiful. Megumi fixed Yuji on the couch and moved out of the way. Without thinking, Megumi was about to cup Yuji's face until suddenly Yuji woke up. Quickly Megumi stood up, acting as if he was doing nothing and was gonna leave. "Hm... Megumi?" Yuji looked up at him.

"Yuji. You fell asleep, and I was just about to leave." Yuji was embarrassed by this. "You could've at least woke me up and told me you were heading out! If you just got up and left, I would've gotten scared!" Megumi's face was turning red but immediately pushed those unnecessary feelings away.

"You looked like you were sleeping peacefully. I thought it would be rude to wake you up. I'll leave you a note next time." Yuji looked at him one last time before he left. "Alright, have a nice rest of your night." Megumi looked back for a second, "You too."

Yuji was off to shower, but before, he stayed inside his thoughts a little bit more. I thought I felt something about to touch me when I was awaking, was Megumi going to touch me? No, no, no... I'm obviously misunderstanding this situation. Besides, I didn't see him do that, so I can't just jump to conclusions.

I should stop thinking about this stupid thing. It's not like it matters in any way. Alright, I gotta take a shower just before I head to sleep. After Yuji showered and was ready to head to sleep, he started thinking about the situation even after saying he wouldn't.

When Yuji was thinking about the situation, he specifically started thinking about Megumi. Unexpectedly, it felt as if an electric spark dispersed throughout all of his body, starting from his heart. Yuji didn't understand its meaning and just thought he loved to be around Megumi and loved hanging out with him.

Yuji didn't understand the meaning of the feeling since he was oblivious sometimes. I'm gonna wake up at 7 and get ready so that at 7:30 am, Megumi and I can walk to school together. Who knew I would be so close to the new guy in just one day!! Ah!! I'm so excited!

Yuji fell asleep, then it was 7 in the morning. Yuji decided to hurry up just to go knock on Megumi's door. 20 minutes later, Yuji was outside Megumi's apartment door, nervous about knocking on his door. What if he isn't awake yet, and I'm disturbing him? No. School opens at 8 am, and maybe he doesn't wanna be late this time.

Yuji knocked on Megumi's door, and to his surprise, he was all ready for school. "Ah, Yuji. What brings you here right now?" Yuji got the courage to ask him. "Do you wanna walk to school together?" Megumi wasn't surprised but also was at the same time. "Sure."

Megumi and Yuji were walking together. Then Megumi tells Yuji the unexpected. Or unexpected to Yuji only. "Yuji, after today, I'm staying with my dad until May 21st, so I won't be here for a little more than 3 weeks." Yuji was afraid of Megumi leaving him. "Three weeks!? No! I finally have a friend to be around, then he leaves for 3 weeks? We've already gotten so close during the first day of meeting each other!"

Yuji felt sad to hear this. "I'm sorry, Yuji. I promise when I'm back, I'll give you a present. Let's just get through this day. Together." Yuji was sad but also happy when he mentioned that. "Yeah. Together."

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