20 - Too soon

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It was already 5 pm, and Yuji had received no call yet. He thought about when they would call back and heard his phone ringing. He looked to see it was only from Kugisaki. He clicked answer, "Kugisaki? How odd, you never call me. hat's up?" Yuji heard a fall and a thud from the other end. "Kugisaki!" Yuji got scared for a moment. "Sorry, I dropped my phone."

Yuji let out a relieved sigh. "I thought something happened. Anyway, what's up?" Kugisaki was trimming her nails. "Nothing much. Anyway, there was a report on the news about Fushiguro. He's missing. Do you know anything?" Yuji didn't know if he was allowed to tell others, but it was Kugisaki.

"Don't tell anyone, but Megumi was possibly captured by 893. He's getting tortured. They are locating his location." Suddenly Yuji heard another buzzing noise from his phone. It was 110. "I'm sorry, Kugisaki. The police are calling me. Later." Yuji ended his call with Kugisaki and answered 110.

"Mr. Itadori, we have located Mr. Fushiguro. He is getting tortured, but we have not managed to get him out of 893's hands yet." Yuji stood up out of shock. "Is he okay? Sorry, does he look like he's able to last in his current condition for now? Can you help him?!" The police were arguing in the background.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Itadori, please stay on here. I have to put you on hold." Yuji got scared, "No, wait!" Yuji got put on hold. "Ughhh, this is urgent!" Yuji was on his bed. He put his phone on speaker just in case he knew when he got put off hold.

Yuji was wondering what was happening to Megumi now. Megumi was always by his side, so he never worried, but now he's not. Almost 10 minutes later, Yuji gets put off hold. "Do you have anything to say now?" The police were hesitant to speak but then were able to.

"Well, it's not looking too good for Megumi. He's constantly getting beat by 893 and his mates. We are slowly getting closer. Please still stay at home as we proceed with this." Yuji punched his desk. "What?! So you're going to proceed this slowly?! His life is on the line! He could die any moment, and you're letting it happen?!"

Yuji never thought he would be yelling at the police to save someone's life. "Mr. Itadori, please calm down. We are doing the best we can. If we don't do this slowly and speed it up, they can expect us and kill all of our people." Yuji thought that was pretty reasonable, but Megumi is still getting abused.

"Mr. Itadori, I'm afraid I have to end this conversation here. We are currently handling the situation, and I am needed. Goodbye, Mr. Itadori." The police officer hung up. Yuji didn't want Megumi to suffer. He didn't want to see Megumi covered in blood and bruises.

That thought killed Yuji. He could never seriously imagine Megumi like that. Yuji was sitting down on his bed, staring at the wall. "Megumi..." He was stuck in his thoughts for a good hour, constantly switching positions. Yuji's phone started ringing.

"110 here. I'm here to update you that we got Megumi. We took care of all of the injuries. We're dropping him off at your house safely." Yuji's eyes brightened. "We'll be there in 5 minutes. If you don't mind, please wait outside for us." Yuji agreed and put on his shoes, then headed outside. About 4 minutes later, Megumi arrived.

"Megumi!" Yuji ran in for a hug. "Hold on, Yuji. Let's go inside." Yuji and Megumi went inside, and Megumi took off his jacket. His arms had so many bandages. Yuji counted on both arms, and there were 23 in total. "Megumi, are you okay?" Megumi nodded and walked to the couch. Megumi let fell onto it.

Yuji lifted Megumi's legs and sat down, then let Megumi's legs relax again. "Megumi, are you okay? Your voice is kinda high pitched." Megumi nodded. "I had trouble breathing earlier, but now I'm alright for sure." Yuji trusted him and relaxed as well.

"Megumi, if you're that worn out, I'll just take you to the bed." Megumi looked at him. "You don't have to." Yuji got up and lifted Megumi to their bed. "Yuji! Don't drop me!" Yuji acted like he was dropping him, which resulted in Megumi hanging onto him like a koala.

Yuji put Megumi on the bed and laid on his back next to him. "Megumi, I wish everything could go back to normal. You're a fucking target to 893. I don't want you to die." Megumi smiled. "Well, I guess we just have to use up our time, or it'll all be a waste."

Yuji lifted his upper body and kissed Megumi on the lips. "You know, Megumi. You're the best boyfriend ever." Yuji shoved his face onto Megumi's chest. "I love you. I've been having the best time of my life with you here. What, it's august now. We've been dating for a little bit over two months now."

Yuji started crying. "Hey, Yuji! Are you okay?!" Yuji sniffed. His voice was cracking, "Yes, I'm alright. Especially because you're still with me right here and now. One day we won't be here, I know that. You're here right now. I'm on your chest. One day this won't happen."

Yuji started crying even more with this thought. "Agh! Megumi! I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart. I wouldn't trade you with anyone. I want you, you! Please don't leave me..." Megumi smiled, but his eyes got too moist and tears formed from the side of his eyes. Tears fell from both sides.

"I love you too, Yuji." Megumi wrapped his arms around Yuji tightly. "I love you more than anything. You're the only one who stayed by my side, even with the time we've known each other." Yuji fell asleep on top of Megumi. Seeing Yuji like that made Megumi tired and also fall asleep.

Yuji woke up. Megumi wasn't there. "Megumi... Megumi!" Yuji was panicking, and then he felt a sudden pressure behind him. Before he got the chance to turn around, it went dark. Something was blocking him from speaking. He was screaming, and before he knew it, a massive amount of pressure hit the side of his head, knocking him out.

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