8 - The confession

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Yuji and Megumi were standing there, and Yuji averted his eyes. "You love me, Megumi? Do you love me? If you're joking, please let me know." Megumi grabbed his chin and lifted it to face him. "I love you. I love Yuji." Megumi pulled him in for a kiss just before the bell rang.

"See you later, Yuji." Yuji was dumbstruck. He was standing there until he realized the class was starting in a minute. Holy shit. Does Megumi love me? I knew I loved him too, I tried to push down the feelings, but he loves me too? I love you too, but I can't say it now!

After dismissal, Megumi and Yuji walked back home together as usual. "So, Yuji. Do you love me too?" Yuji turned bright red and turned his head the other way. "Come on, Yuji, At least look at me." Yuji was too embarrassed to look at Megumi.

Megumi smiled and asked Yuji, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Yuji looked like he was about to burst, but he held it in and left his feelings flowing out of him. "Yes. I'll be your boyfriend, Megumi." Megumi had a big smile and hugged Yuji out in the open.

"I'll love you until the day I die. I'll always stand by your side, I promise, Yuji." Yuji was embarrassed about hugging and showing affection out in the open, but it showed him that Megumi truly loved him.

"Let's do all this when we get home, alright?" Megumi let go and smiled. "Yeah, sure." Once they got home and shut the door, the only thing Megumi wanted to do was hug Yuji and never let go. "I love you so much, Yuji." Yuji smiled, and a pink shade appeared on his face. "Me too, Megumi."

"Why won't you say the whole thing? Don't you love me, Yuji?" Yuji wanted to say it at the perfect moment. "I want to say it when it's a good time, you know? So we have a memory you won't ever forget." Megumi smiled. "I like the sound of that. A memory that we won't ever forget. Perfect."

Megumi and Yuji were watching a movie together, and when there was a scene where the air got a little too hot, they both got embarrassed and ended up skipping. They both knew they were thinking the same thing when it got to parts like that.

Megumi and Yuji got ready for bed, and this time they both fell asleep together and cuddled there. When Yuji started dozing off a lot, Megumi kissed his forehead. "Goodnight, darling." And they both fell asleep together, feeling a lot of warmth.

The night got a lot colder, but when they were together, it felt like all the coldness was gone aside, and they were both warm when sleeping together. Megumi woke up in the middle of the night, feeling warm and like someone was there for him. He kissed Yuji on the lips and went off back to sleep.

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