3 - Left alone

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Before Megumi left for three weeks, they made sure they hung out all day. Megumi even decided to sleep at Yuji's apartment after Yuji begged. It was 6 am, and Megumi woke up to pack his stuff. But before that, since he didn't wanna scare Yuji, he woke him up and said, "I'm going to leave soon. I need to pack. I know school opens in 2 hours, but I didn't wanna scare you." Yuji started feeling alone after Megumi said that.

"Can I come with you to the airport at least? I wanna be with you until you leave, so I don't feel as lonely at school." Megumi thought it was a bad idea since its barely 6 am, but he decided to let Yuji decide. "You sure, Yuji?" Yuji stood up, "I'm very sure." Megumi and Yuji head to Megumi's apartment. Megumi packs and Yuji helps out a bit.

Megumi and Yuji start heading off to the airport. "Alright, this is my flight Yuji. I'll see you in 3 weeks." Yuji starts feeling sad and as if something heavy landed on his chest. "Yeah, see you, Megumi." Yuji then hugs Megumi for the first time. "I'll miss you!"

Megumi feels sorrow all over but plans to think about Yuji for the remaining time on the flight and in the U.S. "I'll miss you too, Yuji. Goodbye for now." Yuji didn't want to say goodbye, but Megumi's returning, right? I'll see him again. It's nothing to stress over. "Yeah, goodbye, for now, Megumi!"

Itadori was walking back home, when he got there it was 7 am already. Ah, I have to deal with another day alone. Throughout the first to third periods, he was imagining. What would've happened if Megumi was there, or what he was doing in the U.S.

It was time for lunch. It was 11:50. Yuji felt lonely knowing that Megumi's on another continent currently, plus it was 6:50 pm for where he's at right now. Instead of eating in the classrooms like he used to, he decided to eat on the rooftop. It reminded him of Megumi. 

It was already time for his fourth period. Most of the time, Yuji was all in his thoughts that day. Yuji was bumping into multiple people while walking around. Finally, school ended for the day. Yuji went home immediately and went to lay on his bed.

Since Yuji had nothing better to do, he checked his mailbox. There was an unknown letter inside his mailbox. He decided to open it and read it. "Dear Yuji, I don't have much time, but I miss you. Please don't send a letter back. My dad is pretty strict. But I do genuinely miss you. Please don't do anything out of despair. -Your friend, Megumi.

Yuji was surprised Megumi found a way to communicate with Yuji. He decided to put the letter from Megumi inside of his drawer, under his lamp, keeping it safe. It was just a meaningless letter from Megumi saying that he missed Yuji, but Yuji cherished it.

Yuji decided to shower and curl up in his bed. He felt safe there most of the time, so he stayed in his thoughts. He fell asleep around 7 pm. Yuji woke up, and Megumi was in front of him. "Megumi! Your back already!?" Megumi didn't answer. Megumi smiled and walked away. Yuji tried to run to him, but he couldn't move his arms.

"Megumi!" Yuji woke up, It was 2 am. It was all just a dream. Damn, do I miss Megumi that much? Ugh. Yuji was glad for today. It was a Friday. All I have to do is survive this day, then two days of freedom, but exactly three weeks without Megumi.

Yuji woke up, then proceeded to get ready for school. Yuji walked to school alone, just like before Megumi walked into his life. Ugh, why did Megumi have to go to his dad? They never really communicate, so why did Megumi even bother?

Megumi is currently in Canada. "Megumi! Get down here" Megumi was already so done with his dad. Megumi walked down the stairs and saw his father with an angry face. Toji was holding the letter Megumi was about to send Yuji.

"What is this? Yuji? A guy? An miss you letter? Are you gay?" Megumi didn't care if he lost his connection with his dad. "Yeah. I am." Toji got seriously frustrated. "Get out of here and never even breathe near me." Megumi genuinely didn't care. He felt as if Yuji was now all he needed. 

Megumi packed his bags and left without saying a word. Before he went back, he decided to edit his letter and let Yuji know that Megumi was coming back soon. Megumi bought his ticket for the flight and was off back to Japan. Megumi was 8 hours into the flight, and Yuji must've gotten the letter by now.

Yuji went out to check his mailbox to see if there was a new letter. Megumi would do that, so he expected it. Yuji saw a letter from the same unknown person, knowing it was Megumi. He opened the letter. It mentioned that they were going to see each other soon enough. 

Yuji was genuinely confused. Megumi considered three weeks 'soon'? Yuji just got ready for bed and fell asleep for the night. He woke up 8 hours later to a voice he thought he recognized. "Yuji, wake up. Yuji!" Yuji immediately pinned down the person. The lights were off. He didn't know who it was.

Yuji was considering if it was Megumi, but he was in Canada right now, so it couldn't possibly be him. "Yuji! It's Megumi, idiot! I'm back extremely early." Yuji was speechless. "Megumi?! Why are you here so early?" Megumi didn't want to make him worry. But lying would've made Yuji even more upset.

"My dad kicked me out." Yuji was shocked. "I told him I'm gay. He despises gays!" Megumi laughed it off as if it was nothing. "What? Why are you laughing? That's terrible! You didn't deserve all that!" Megumi suddenly felt like he's been friends with Yuji for his whole life.

"Let's go out and eat together this evening." Yuji was not expecting that. "Alright, let's go but first, let's go to sleep since you woke me up at 2 am." Megumi smiled at Yuji. "Yeah, let's rest."

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