19 - Afraid

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Yuji and Megumi were sitting on their bed. Beneath them was apartment 2. They heard them getting robbed. "Shit, Yuji. It's just two more apartments. Then it's us." Megumi was scared but wanted to do something. "Hurry. Megumi," Yuji opened his closet and showed a spot that hides everything well. Megumi didn't know about that.

"Hide everything that identifies us. I'll explain more while we're hiding things." Yuji ran the fastest he could. He didn't want them to see Megumi. "So basically, let's just jump out of the window." They kept running around while Yuji was speaking.

"I'll take the secret spot since it's like a box. I'll jump first, then you'll hand over the box, and you'll jump. Don't worry. I'll be there to help." After 3 minutes, they found everything. Their pretty lucky because of Yuji's natural fast speed.

Yuji and Megumi took it out, and Yuji jumped out. Megumi threw him the box. Their front door slammed open. "Yuji, they're here!" Megumi jumped, 893 heard, and ran to the room. Megumi already was down there by the time 893 was at their room.

Yuji used all of his strength. He picked up Megumi, who carried the box, and ran at 35 mph. "He's fast! Fire!" Yuji was long gone. He ran for 5 minutes, meaning he was about 3 miles away from the house. "Yuji!" Yuji was bent over, hands on his knees. "At least we're okay."

"How did you manage to carry me and still run your usual?" Yuji was panting, trying to make out words. "Well, I was a bit slower. Anyway, I was afraid. Your life was on the line. When someone's afraid and running away, they'll do anything. They'll keep on running out of fear."

Megumi smiled, he was glad that they were both okay and everything, but he didn't like the burden he was. "Yuji, protect yourself. I'm not completely helpless." Yuji looked up at him. "No way, I'm not leaving you behind. I want you by my side."

"Yuji!" Megumi pushed Yuji down. A bullet ended up going through Megumi's leg. "Megumi!" Yuji quickly through the box into Megumi's arms, carried him, and fled. "Megumi! I'll take you to a hospital!" Yuji was running the fastest he could. He was running at 40 mph due to Megumi's injury.

They were at the hospital. "Megumi! You're losing a shit ton of blood!" Yuji went inside, and they immediately took Megumi to the emergency room. Yuji signed papers for Megumi and sat outside of Megumi's room. A worker came out and sat down to talk to Yuji.

"Mr. Itadori, I'm so sorry to say this." Yuji was ready for the worst. "It turns out poison was inside the bullet and dispersed throughout Fushiguro." Yuji wanted to cry. "You may wait here. You'll be able to see him in 10-15 minutes."

Yuji was sitting there thinking it was all his fault. "I should've run faster. It's all my fault! If only I just took the bullet..." Time flew, and Yuji got called into the room. Everyone left the room to give Yuji and Fushiguro some space.

"Megumi." Megumi made his best effort to smile. "They injected something into me. It's supposed to stop the poison from flowing out more and get rid of some poison." Yuji was genuinely afraid but wanted to stay happy for better hopes.

"Megumi, you'll be alright. I promise." Megumi felt a tight grip on his hand. Yuji was trembling. "It's alright, Yuji. I love you. I'm currently alive, maybe I won't be tomorrow, but I'm here now. Don't waste it." Yuji nodded and smiled. He hugged Megumi. "I love you too."

Yuji got called out of the room. "Mr. Itadori, we are currently doing the best we can to help out your friend. We promise we'll try to keep him alive. Just trust us, okay? Go home for now. 893 and his buddies got arrested." Yuji grabbed the box and headed out for home.

Yuji came home, and it was around 1 in the morning. Yuji was on his bed. He felt so alone. He started to remember the feeling of being alone and afraid. "Megumi, please come home! I need you. I can't do this without you!" A tear rolled down Yuji's face. He cried for a while and ended up falling asleep.

Yuji woke up. He got up to use the bathroom and saw his eyes were red. "Damn, I should've cleared my eyes before sleeping." Yuji washed his face and got ready to visit Megumi. Yuji went to his room and looked inside the box. His phone was in there. He saw his wallpaper which was him and Megumi.

He opened his photos and saw bunches of memories. "Hey! It's that one time when we were on the rooftop, and a piece of my sushi fell!" Itadori chuckled but then remembered that it may never happen again. Yuji cried out of happiness and sadness. "Fuck. Megumi, why didn't you just let me take the shot? Idiot."

Yuji took his phone and headed out. Yuji reached the hospital and went inside. "Excuse me. I'm here to visit Fushiguro Megumi." The lady looked at the computer. "I'm sorry, we released him about an hour ago." Yuji's eyes widened. That fast? "Alright. Thank you for your time." Yuji walked out and rang Megumi.

Megumi picked up. "Yes, Yuji?" Yuji was relieved to hear Megumi's voice. "Where are you?" Megumi stayed silent. Suddenly, Yuji thought he heard a smack. "I'm sorry. I am unable to tell you my current location." Yuji was confused. "Why? Megumi, please tell me!" Megumi hung up.

Yuji was sent a voice message from Megumi in the background. He heard morse code and immediately translated it. He was figuring out the last three letters that heard P. M. E. "Help me." Shit, Megumi! Please don't die on me! Yuji dialed 110, which was the police.

"110, what's your emergency?" Yuji talked rapidly, "Please find where Fushiguro Megumi is. He is in danger and was released yesterday from the hospital after being shot and injected with poison. He didn't identify his location, and he sent me in morse code that he needed help. He's getting tortured." Yuji heard fast typing on the computer keys.

"Yes, we will look for him and report him as missing. Please remain calm while we are looking for him. For the remainder of the time, please stay inside and don't go looking for him. It's dangerous." Yuji agreed and hung up. He looked up at the sky and was having a panic attack.

Was this happening? Yuji had this feeling in his stomach, he couldn't understand it, but he felt odd. As people walked around and looked at him, it felt different. He felt like he was in an unknown world. He was afraid. He suddenly felt like everything was odd, even Megumi. Yuji just went on and walked home.

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