Chapter 1

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Y/n POV 

"YOU can't do that Mr. Carter!" 

"I can Ms y/n, this is my company and it's going to work as I will want it to. You may leave" I huffed and reached the door "And please hand over all the papers to Ms. Taylor" 

Yeah yeah, why not? why don't I hand over my post to her too, huh?

It was my idea and I'm being forced to handover my idea to someone else just because that bitch is our new president's girlfriend, AHHH MEN ARE JERKS

I've worked for this company for over 6 years and Mr. Carter was always respectful to me but as soon as his son took over he's been favoring his girlfriend in everything 


"Y/n everything okay? you look....frustrated?" Bethany asked me leaning over her chair "Why did Mr. Carter call you in his cabin?" 

"He's being a jerk once again, he just told me to hand over my new idea to Taylor. I worked on it for a month Bethany!" I tug my hair in anguish 

"The Prague idea?" she enquired 


"That was an appreciation-worthy project, you must fight for it. Don't give up" I sighed and nodded shutting down all the tabs on my computer 

"I'm leaving early today, I have got an appointment" 

"What kind of appointment?" she asked typing out her work 

"Medical, I've been having abnormal periods and pain. Precaution's better than cure." 

"Okay, ring me up when you're done, I'll drive you home" 

"Yup, thanks"  


I took a cab to the hospital and called my mom on the way. 

"Hey, mum" 

"Hey dear, how's everything?" I smiled and sighed sadly 

"Everything's good, Mom" 

"you sound low? something wrong?" 

"Oh no Mom, everything's good, the job's good, and I've been eating good, how about you?" she giggled and said 

"How about me, it's how it is" I nodded knowing she wouldn't see me 

"Take care then. If you need money text me, huh?" I said 

"Yes Y/n dear, you too take care."   

I've been missing her for the past few days, though I've been living in Atlanta Georgia for quite a while now, it still feels somewhat scary, I felt safe at home, with my mom In Austria

"That will be $11.13 miss," The driver said and after handing him the fare I got out to see the massive building in front of me 

"This looks more like a hotel than a hospital but nice architecture Mr. Owner" 

I seriously don't like the hospital vibes, the smell, and the patients

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I seriously don't like the hospital vibes, the smell, and the patients. Gosh, It makes me nauseous but what do I do? 

My periods are not normal and my flow has increased with severe pain in my cervix and back, I needed to see a gynecologist 

"Good evening, I'm Y/n. I have an appointment at 6:00," I asked the receptionist looking for my phone in my purse 

"Sure, I'll look it up for you. Yeah, you have an appointment for 6:00. You can have a seat there, the doctor is a bit busy, just a few mins. Sorry" 

"It's completely fine" I took a seat in front of the reception and looked over to see a pregnant lady sitting right in front of me with her husband holding her hand 

They look cute, but not for me. personally, I hate men (a controversial topic? Haha). I've had some major cases with men, and let me tell you...they weren't very favoring haha

Some incidents haunt me till today. whatever. Overall point...I don't like men. 

At the right moment, I lifted my face and saw a girl walk out, Red glittery shoes with this white lacy dress and red lipstick looked like someone needed a personal stripper.

"You can go in Miss Y/n" I nodded and walked in holding my purse tight over my right arm. 

I walked into the cabin but it was empty so I sat down still searching for the doctor. 

In between my search, the door abruptly opened and two ladies walked in, one approx the age of 90. the other was younger than the first maybe 60? 

they looked at me and then grinned at each other and the older woman walked to me and pulled my shoulder down to her height 

"oh, so you're the one huh? Beautiful one I must say," she said evaluating all my features one by one, she was so close to me that I was able to hear her unsteady breathing  

"wait- Aren't you y/n??" she squinted her eyebrows looking at the younger lady standing behind her graciously with her expensive-looking purse in her hand 

"I am?" I said confused 

"Y/N! IT'S Y/N" The younger woman came and hugged me 

"Y/n?" we all heard a male voice making us turn our heads to the door and this was the moment I needed some support to stand on my own legs.

"Jungkook dear, come up! you didn't tell us y/n is the one??" 

he repeated my eyes wandered to his lips...

my eyes wandered all over the room but at him, my head felt dizzy, my blood went cold and my breathing rate increased 

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my eyes wandered all over the room but at him, my head felt dizzy, my blood went cold and my breathing rate increased 

jungkook took a step in making me step back 2 steps.

His grandma looked at us both and held both our hands "You both will make an excellent couple" she kissed both our hands. 

My eyes were teary and my legs were shaking, I had to get soon as possible

"here, this is for recognization okay? I'll buy you an official one when we go wedding shopping hmm?" she handed me her diamond bangle 

"OH No grandma you shouldn't-" "Y/n dear, everything is yours now, after all, we don't need to ask anything, we have known you a decade."  

"but-" This was too much "Y/n it's okay don't be shy, it's like a tradition don't reject it" 

Jungkook still was silent I nodded eagerly wanting them both to go so that I can leave this room, I needed air...  

"Finalize the date and let me know kids hmm" she smiled and pecked my cheeks before handing my hand in jungkook's 

My breath hitched at his warm hands as I lifted my face to look at him... 

Jungkook was staring at me...not with a look of hate...but with a look that screamed pain but somewhere relief.

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