Chapter 7

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We fell into deep silence, I didn't know what to say. All that has happened in the past is something I don't want to remember but it wasn't just me, he faced it too and that was because of me.

"I-" I tried to make up a conversation but failed.

"Anyways. You wanted to talk about something, right?" He looked over at me and I was thrown off by his sudden words

"I- when- oh! Yes. I just wanted to apologize." I said with my head hung low

"you have to be more specific Y/N," gosh! I can't... with him calling my name.

"About last night, drunk landing at your home and ughh all that I did. I'm sorry I didn't know what I was doing and-"

"Are you sorry for accepting the proposal too?" He said turning towards me

"the... Proposal?"  "the marriage proposal"

"I'm looking forward to that deal, you know?" He said leaning against the door

I smiled "Deal huh? What kind of monopoly is this?"

"The one that you'll love to play," he said leaning towards me and I went still

"From what I remember, you're a travel journalist. Right?" I nodded "and people, nowadays, love to see couple content. It'll bring you traffic"

he has matured, he has changed a lot. Earlier, he would have pampered me to convince me, and today? He's making a deal

I gave him a wry smile "You're all prepared, I see."

"I always was."

"Mr jungkook, even if the deal sounds extremely tempting and your propositions are pretty much all true, marriage? It is not on my to-do list rn"

"I can wait." I looked at him, straight into his eyes "I waited for 7 years, A few more days for you? Piece of cake"

I didn't say anything, we just looked at each other for a while, just shared a contact. No words, no talks, no movements

"We'll see," I said breaking eye contact and getting up to dispose of the cup when he took it from my hand and our hands brushed.

I pulled it as fast as possible not wanting any physical contact, it gives me anxiety. And I'm sure he noticed how I don't want him to be more than 1m near me.

"I'll help you..." He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around. He just stood there and listened.

 He just stood there and listened

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"what has happened, has happened. But this is about your grandma, and it's about life and death. If this one wish can make her happy, I'm willing to keep everything aside to help you. I just..." He finally turned around to look at me

"I just want it to be taken slow... Let's not hurry" he looked at me with those emotions in his eyes that I wasn't able to understand

He didn't say anything, he just nodded and went inside the store.


I woke with my alarm ringing and opened my eyes to see Bethany's face 5 cm away from mine

"Rise and shine, princess."

"HOLY SHIT Bethany!" I didn't know my first words this morning would be a curse word. Looks like a great start.

"What do you wanttttt" I said tossing around in my bed

"I want to know what my bitch was doing in a car with Jeon fucking jungkook, is the ship of love sailing?"

"IT'S damn 7 in the morning! And no it's not, keep dreaming" I said sitting up and tying my hair in a ponytail "How do you even know about last night"

she got up and placed her hands on her hips "I came to offer you some pizza but saw you getting in the car with him"

I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine "We just went for some ice cream and chit-chat"

"Did that chit-chat include muah muah?" I looked at her in disbelief and found her smiling sitting on the bed

"No. We just talked. And now we're late. Go get dressed" she groaned and fell on the bed whining

"I need LOVE IN MY LIFE, does jungkook have a bro-" "BETHANY! get dressed!"


We both walked into our cabin when I saw Mr. Carter walking toward my cabin

"Uhhhu looks likes someone's gonna be busy today," Bethany said walking to her cabin

"Ms. Y/N, I want you to come up with a new project and I want it till midnight," he said stopping in front of me with his hands in his pockets

"Good morning to you too, sir" I emphasized the last word 

"Do it." He said walking away I kicked the air and dropped my things on the table in a fury. ONLY IF I COULD KICK HIS ASS

I worked all day long and came up with another project, Norway. When I was done, everyone went home and I was the only one in the office.

I went to Carter's office to hand him the project and saw him packing his things.

"I'm done with it Mr-" "Hand it to Ms. Taylor tomorrow morning for editing, She can-"

"No." He turned towards me and kept his bag down

"What do you mean no, Ms. Y/N"

"I said no, I won't hand it over to me. I'm working my ass off here, coming up with projects and I don't get to have my credits for it? If she can be a little more motivated towards her work, she can come up with something new as well." I said walking away

I went to my cabin, packed my stuff in anger, and was walking away when I heard a voice,

"If you're so confident, then I want you to come up with an idea to bring more traffic in. If you can do it by tomorrow, the Prague project will be yours... And If not, you'll lose this year's promotion."

I scoffed "If that's a challenge, it's more likely that I'll win"

"Confidence does not look good on you Ms. Y/N. You look childish," he said smiling and walking past me.

I took a deep breath and headed down, ready to go home. I was tired, from everything. I just needed rest now and maybe something to eat.

I walked out of the company and walked on the pavement when I heard someone speaking, and I was familiar with the owner of this voice.

"Hard day? Is there any way that I can make it better?"

"Hard day? Is there any way that I can make it better?"

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