Chapter 2

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Y/n pov 

Enough. It was hard. 

My legs were wobbly as I stumbled back almost bumping against the table when Jungkook held my waist 

"Y/n" my name from his mouth sounded like honey but I wasn't very fond of honey.

I pushed him away holding my bag tight and ran out of his room 

I rushed out of the hospital bumping into people and apologizing to every one of them. Nothing was clear in my head. here 

 All the memories started flooding in, Those few months of misery and sadness before were "not mine", those things I did that made his life hell, and that man... 

I needed Bethany right now... 

I called her and she in a moment realized something was wrong and came to pick me up taking me back home 

I took a cold bath after reaching home and came out to see Bethany sitting on the bed with two mugs of iced tea 

she handed me one as I took a seat beside her 

"Are you ready to tell me now what happened?" she asked patiently 

"Jungkook...he's here" Her eyes widened and she was as shocked as me 

"He's here?! You mean here here?" I nodded

"I met him in the hospital, his mom and grandmother were there too, they thought I was his girlfriend and she asked us to finalize the date of the wedding and the bracelet- OH SHIT" 

it was still in my hand 

"What bracelet?" she looked at my hand "This one?? Who gave it to you?" 

"I-Jungkook's grandma gave it to me as a recognization of the wedding- FUCK I have to give it back! I have to" 

"calm down y/n, it may be a misunderstanding hmm?" I sighed and nodded getting her point 

"But Love, you have to move on hmm?" I looked at her to see her with her soothing eyes 

"Did jungkook ever do any harm to you?" I shook my head

 "Did he ever try to hurt you?" I again shook my head "Then why categorize all men as the same hmm? It was that one Guy y/n" 

"I know Bethany but my case with men has never been okay, first Dad divorcing Mom and treating her like shit, then that Guy. It just rose disgust in me for all men....jungkook became a victim of that too" 

"but y/n he did face it too right? you left him when you shouldn't have, he supported you, took care of you, and just because your case with men wasn't favorable, ruined his life?" 

 I thought about it, and she's right I rued his life and still, I resent him..? Why? 

I took a deep breath "I'll go to him and will give this bracelet back to him..." 

"Good girl" Bethany threw a wink making me giggle at her cheesiness 

"But first take me to a gynecologist" I whined dropping my body and holding my stomach because of the pain 

"So why didn't u meet the gyno in the hospital" 

"JUNGKOOK" she giggled and nodded 

"Okay okay fine, get dressed. I'll take you to another hospital"


I got dressed in this - 

and then we went to another hospital where I took an appointment with a "LADY" doctor and by god's grace, she was available

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and then we went to another hospital where I took an appointment with a "LADY" doctor and by god's grace, she was available... 


Y/n's face wandered throughout my mind, for 7 years...I cried for her for 7 years and finally saw her, why was she here out of a sudden? where did she go all these days?

I was sitting on the recliner chair with my patient's files opened in front of me but I couldn't think of anything other than her 

I closed a file in anguish when the door opened and that's when the door opened and Kyla walked in. 

Oh, my one and only girlfriend who always leaves when her presence is needed. 

"Where were you, Kyla? Mom and Grandma-" 

"Jungkook this wouldn't work," she said with her face hanging low 

"I don't understand" 

"You don't have to, just...I can't marry you I'm sorry"  I was beyond shocked, I stood up walking toward her 

"Kyla you can't do this, Grandma's last wish was to see me married and I'm willing to give you everything, what's the problem?" 

"BECAUSE I DON'T love you jungkook, okay? Yup It was just a fling with you, cause you're rich and you're handsome but you are not for me, and neither am I for you, jungkook" 

all the upcoming words vanished from my throat and it dried up 

"I'm sorry jungkook," she said and walked out leaving me standing there stranded  

Now that's some tough shit happening in my life right now. It actually is really hard to find someone who truly loves you.

I threw my glasses on the floor as the glass shattered all over, I can't do this. my only hope is my sister now 

She can get me any of her friends I'm sure, at least I can fulfill Grandma's wish before she leaves me, I might divorce her later.

I drove to my sister's hospital, yeah you know family occupation? The major hospitals here in Atlanta belong to me or my sister. 

Everyone bowed to me as I walked to my sister's cabin and asked the guard if there was a patient inside I waited outside when he told me there was one inside. 

my eyes came to a halt on a pregnant woman sitting on the waiting chair holding her husband's hand. 

I smiled and walked toward her leaning down, I asked her with my eyes if I could and she and her husband nodded.

I smiled and talked to the unborn child 

"Listen, kid, You know you're so lucky you've got such a nice mom and dad but you know the a mess, not a good place I must say" I shook my head forming my lips in a straight line as both the parents giggled.

"But you have to be good hmm? for your mom and dad? okay!" I stood up smiling "Hope he or she will be a healthy kid" I wished the parents 

"Thank you," they both said together, I turned around when my legs got glued to the floor... 

Y/n...She was smiling...looking at me, only me.

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