Chapter 11

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Jungkook pov

I got really excited when y/n said yes. It's as if she's my college crush and I'm taking her to our first date again . Gosh those were the days!

I put on a simple hoodie and ran to get my keys. I got out of the house and saw y/n walking towards me

Ahh I'm falling in love all over again... She looks so beautiful.

"Hey," she said smiling and the sky smiled with her.

"Hey..." I didn't know what to speak, idk if I was stunned or if I was just akward and didn't know what to ask


He didn't say anything after that so I tried to continue the conversation

"So what have you planned then?" He snapped out of his thoughts and turned locking the door

"Oh yeah, that's a secret." I smiled and nodded

He just stood there for a second looking at me and I did the same

He just stood there for a second looking at me and I did the same

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"You look pretty." He said and walked to his car trying to ignore what he just said and I giggled.

"You're... Okay now?" He asked without looking at me

"I'm good. I... Just didn't feel so good" he nodded and ignored this as well.

"How's your work going?" I looked over at him

"It's going great, fantastic. Ahh, what about your Prague project? You took it back?"

I smirked and shrugged "Obviously, I had to. It was mine after all"

He chuckled and nodded. "I have to leave by the end of this month"

"And when are you coming back" he enquired with one of his hands on the steering wheel and the other down, he's hot, wait- no I'm hot-oh gosh. These periods are killing me

"Y/n?" I looked at him coming out of my dreamland and he was staring at me

"I'll come back by the 15th of next month I guess"

"that's long..." I nodded and it got silent for a second until he said "Can I come along?"

"What?" I was surprised at what he said

"Why not?" He said parking the car on the side of the road "I already mentioned it, this agreement will benefit you as well right? You can post couples' content on your insta account, you're an influencer too right"

"I am but-"

"I don't think 'but' is necessary. It's quite a shot for both of us, you'll get your followers and we can spend more time with each other. Even tho it's fake, it doesn't have to be forced."

He said it so casually, but going on a trip with him? When I can't even get near him? Being with him for half a month? I'm not a fan of this idea.

"Think about it. You still have time" he said getting out and I followed him

I saw the Ferris wheel in front of us and I looked at him and found him standing against the car with his hand crossed and his usual smile with a hint of "I know I'm good"  plastered on his face

"Oh, my god. I love this!" I jumped with joy and ran toward him and he just followed me giggling at me.

We got on and it started moving. I squealed like a child holding onto the seat

"Are you happy?"

He's giving me that look, he's giving me that look, he's-

"I asked you something, honey"

Motherfucking long live the god-

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Motherfucking long live the god-

"Honey??" I repeated it and he just giggled looking away

"Okay you're not getting away with what you started mister" I leaned forward and rested my elbow on my knees "HONEY??"

"You're sweet as honey and it's hard to get near you because your roommate hypothetically but actually behaves as a bee and is always ready to jump on me"

I laughed my ass off on this one not gonna lie.

"you're good at this," I said still laughing, this time he leaned and whispered

"I'm good at a lot of things" I went rigid. And after a minute I cleared my throat and sat straight to which he just smirked looking at his side

"So umm.. your grandma asked me if we're done planning the marriage stuff?" I told him

"yeah I heard, do you wanna talk about it?" He asked genuinely if I'm okay with it rn or not

"Yeah, why not?" He hummed "I've been thinking about it and I don't think we have to go this fast, I mean yeah but still. We can get to the marriage part by the end of the next month, right? No hurries"

"You're right, but if you're comfortable I would like to keep the engagement before we go to Prague," He said crossing his legs

"Okay, Mr Jungkook. First of all, I still haven't decided if you're going with me or not, and second, engagement this early? Who will take care of the preparation"

He nodded and replied "I don't really need your approval, answer to the first  I'll hire people to do it, answer to the second. Problem solved"

I looked at him and gave him a look of "I don't like you very much" and he just smiled leaning forward with a look of "I know" with a smile on his face

After we got off we walked back to his car "Have dinner with me" he said stopping in his tracks

I just kept walking and said "Too demanding"

We got to the car and I wore my seatbelt. Jungkook followed me and turned towards me completely and said in a soft tone

"Please have dinner with me Y/n" I completed and sat straight taking a deep breath

"Too desperate" he sighed and took 5 mins to think and again turned towards me

"Stewart Y/n, would you like to have dinner with me? It would be my pleasure if you can join me"

I smiled and slowly turned my head towards him and whispered


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