Chapter 6

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Jungkook Pov 

I came back home to open the door and found the house empty, obviously she left... 

I walked over to the kitchen taking a water bottle out of the fridge to see the breakfast still on the table 

Yup as expected, she didn't eat it. I sighed sitting on the barstool scrolling through my phone when I got a text from the person, I thought of before going to sleep, and as soon as getting up 

"Y/n : Good morning Jungkook. I'm sorry I left in a hurry, is it okay for you if we meet somewhere today? I had to talk to you about something" 

I wasn't in the mood for any interaction, after last night's fight, I had no mood to talk to her. yeah, I was wrong and I admit it but I can't deal with this right now.

I typed a message back 

"Jungkook: It's okay, I'm sorry I can't meet today. I have a lot of patients who will be cleared till night" Her reply came back in a second as if she was waiting for my text

"Y/n: That's fine, next time. Sorry and thank you for last night though" 

I left her a message on read and went to get ready for the hospital.

I carried on with my day as I did every day, but this time...something was different. My body was normal but it was as if I was just showing fake emotions to everyone around me 

Because I only had y/n in my mind, and whenever she did come Into my mind I was reminded of my grandma's wish. 

I spent my day seeing patients and then walked out for a walk, I saw Meline in the reception waving her hand to me. 

I walked over to her and leaned my back against the reception, "What's up?" She asked

"ahh Life's sooo messed up," I said  looking at the huge ceiling of the hospital with people walking around 

"I feel you mate. Coffee?" she asked

"Make it extra strong, no sugar" she laughed

"Shit man, it's that bad?" I smiled and she ordered two coffees from the reception phone 

Meline is just like my friend, she has worked here from the very start and she might be in her thirties but acts as if she's still in her twenties. 

"How many patients do u have?" she asked arranging the files under the desk 

"None, But I don't want to go home honestly" 

"Pest problem?" she said looking up at me 

"I don't think so. More like a love problem" she giggled and gave my shoulder a pat 

"I feel sorry for such a handsome man going through such a hard time"

I turned around looking at her with my sweetest smile "Do you wanna marry me??" She looked at me in the most sincere way and smiled leaning in front

"Dr. Jeon Jungkook, are u in need of a doctor? I can ring up one for you. Because in broad daylight, you're asking a married woman to marry you. Probably serious brain damage?" she said getting back to her work

"More like a heart damage," I said keeping my palm on my heart as if it was aching because of the reply she just gave and she simply giggled.

I headed back to work and spent most of my day trying to think as less as I could, but having no patients and not so much of work didn't quite help.

At the end of the day, I drove back home tired. I took a water bottle out of the fridge and settled down on the couch when I felt the urge to re-read y/n's message.

She's been a significant part of my life, she was even while she was with me and she was even when she left me. Unfortunately, I only got to admire her as my first love.

After reading her text, I felt kinda felt guilty for ignoring her all day long. I shouldn't be, but those 19-year-old us flashed in my mind and I didn't hesitate to pick up my keys and drive to her home (got her address from Minseo)

When I reached her apartment, every step felt like an eternity. I should be within my limits, but right now I just want to talk to her.


I was laying in my bed trying to cope up with the heaviness I felt in my cervix. I don't quite think my schedule is working, I have to be strict and keep my food in control before it turns serious.

Suddenly the bell rang and I groaned in my pillow before getting up, taking the support of the wall with one hand on my back, trying to balance myself.

"Don't you have the k-" I wasn't expecting the person I saw at my door to be here, not at this time, not at my place...

"Jungkook..." My voice came out wobbly because of the pain

"Hey" he passed me a small smile

"Hey? It's quite late?" I said looking at the clock hanging on the wall, it was quarter to midnight.

"I-I am aware. I just wanted to have a chat with you, a coffee?" He raised his eyebrows

"I don't think so..." I said and he nodded while turning around ready to leave.

"Ice cream would be nice" My words made him turn and he giggled not expecting what I said, to which I smiled too.

"Let's go, I brought my car" I nodded and went inside to get my jacket and my keys

We walked down the stairs and I tried to keep up with him taking the support of the wall, and occasionally holding my back. My back fucking hurts ughh but ice cream was a great deallll, couldn't turn it down.

We drove to the local Ice cream parlor and when he stopped I was getting off when he stopped me.

"I'll get it, stay." He walked out of the car and a few minutes later came back with two cups of ice cream. I opened my door and he stood there while I sat inside with my legs out just staring at him

"It's strawberry," I asked

"Yes. Because it's your favorite" I smiled and looked at him

"You remember quite a lot" he nodded while eating his ice cream and looked at his side and said

"I do. I even remember the things I shouldn't. Though it does not feel so tremendous being drunk over those moments"

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