Chapter 5

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Y/n pov 

I woke up with a hangover and rubbed my eyes to get a better view of my surrounding. I was in an unknown room

The sheets looked expensive, the room was opening in a garden with cold air rustling in through the door 

Where the hell am I? I grabbed my hair from my scalp trying to reorganize my thoughts but nothing was helping

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Where the hell am I? I grabbed my hair from my scalp trying to reorganize my thoughts but nothing was helping. 

The only thing I knew was, that Jungkook asked me to marry him, I went to a bar and had loads of drinks, that's all!

I dropped my leg on the floor and stood up stumbling holding the wall for support, I walked over to the mirror to see If I even am okay or not.

That's when I saw a sticky note on the mirror, I removed it from the mirror reading 

"Good morning, In case you don't remember where your ass landed after you got drunk? You're in my house. Breakfast is on the table, I will come home after my morning run ~ Jungkook" 

oh. shit- 

NO WaYYYYYYY tell me I Ain't at jungkook's house- NO FUCKING GODDAMN WAY!!! 

I ran out to the room to see his perfect house that was too rich for me to even afford 

I grabbed my purse from the couch in a hurry and tucked my hair behind my hair running out as if I'd seen a ghost

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I grabbed my purse from the couch in a hurry and tucked my hair behind my hair running out as if I'd seen a ghost. 

"Oh, DaMn- NiCe HoMe jungkook but Sorry I have to go" I rushed out last time looking over his house. 

I stopped the first taxi I saw and went back home. 

I tried to think of what the hell I did last night and it slowly started coming in ~ 


Jungkook pov 

I brought her into the house in my arms, while I wondered how did she even know where I lived? I laid her on the couch and walked to the kitchen to get her a glass of water 

"JUngkOokkkkkk" she called me from the hall and my heart melted down. Ughh I remember now, how much I love drunk y/n 

I walked to the drawing room to her sitting on the sofa with her head leaning against the palm of her hand 

"Y/n, drink this" She woke up with a jerk and leaned forward to look at me as I squatted down beside the couch

"Ohhh a man... I hate men" She backed off on the couch holding her knees against her chest 

"Drink this y/n," I said sternly ignoring what she just said she took the glass and gulped it down in one go 

"How did you find where I live?" I asked her taking the glass from her hand

"You might consider me stupid Mr Jeon, but I know how Tracking works." She said squinting her eyes...It's the first time she called me that 

"And why did you agree to marry me? I know very well you'll regret this decision tomorrow morning" I mumbled the last sentence in an inaudible voice. 

she smiled and looked down at her palms, her smile hid sadness. 

"You always judged, you judged...but never asked" I rose my eyebrows in confusion and I became stern.

"What? What nonsense y/n, I never judged you." I was angry. After all this time this is what was in her mind? Bullshit.

"YOU JUDGED, you tried to figure it out all alone but never asked me anything! Never asked me why I felt those few emotions that I was feeling!" She started crying but Right now this wasn't my concern 

"And you leaving me was what you were feeling?" I scoffed in sarcasm 

"You never asked, never tried to figure it out. Only if you would have...I wouldn't have been afraid of men right now" She laid down facing the other side 

"Okay? So you leaving me, you distancing from me and you being afraid of me even tho I did nothing, was my fault, okay...I get it" I was walking away when I heard her say 

"I never stopped loving you, but it takes two people to make up in a relationship and if you would know what I going through at that time, you'll regret everything" 

I might have left that place angry then, but somewhere in my heart I felt like I didn't know something, I was lagging behind on some facts that only she knew 

and that was the reason I brought her to my room and I slept on the couch.


Y/n pov 

Oh, that's horrible AHHHH WHY DID I DO SO?? GOD!!!! 

I walked home to Bethany opening the door for me. She practically lives here 

"Where were you last night huh," she said with her hands on her lips wearing an apron, why is my mom's replica here?

"Can I first enter my home, please?" I said with a sarcastic lazy smile as she moved aside giving me space to enter as I dropped my lazy and frustrated ass on the couch 

"Go on, blabber," she said sitting in front of me 

"I got drunk and..." "and..." 

"ended up at jeon jungkook's home" 


My eyes widened as I didn't take a minute to shake my head as no 

"HELL NO GOD I DIDN'T! AT LEAST LISTEN TO MEEE" She sat back down and I told her everything

"Girl Honestly speaking, this time it's your mistake. You rejected him, then got drunk and landed at his home, Criticised him, and then too he let you sleep at his home? even made you breakfast?" 

"You have to apologize for your stupid behavior" I sighed knowing she was right

"Better do it as soon as possible, I'm sure Mr carter is angry" I forgot- I HAD TO GO OFFICE TODAY 

ahhhh fuck my life 

"I'm skipping," I said walking over to the slab to make a cup of coffee 

Bethany got back to making breakfast when I said something 

"about that Marriage and grandma stuff?" she looked over me nodding 

"I think I might agree to that" "AH SHIT- YOU HAVE TO WARN ME BEFORE YOU DROP A BOMB OKAYY ahhh I burned my hand" 

I giggled at her acting silly.
My life is bringing in some drama that I'm not so sure of.

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