Chapter 4

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Y/N pov  

After all, I can't fight against Bethany, practically I had to go but emotionally? I will never be ready to have a conversation with him alone 

and not when he said he has to talk about something "Important" 

I never really considered myself with another man after that guy's case. I still remember those few moments...He fucking harassed me... I almost reached the stage of suicide. 

I got dressed in this - 

Bethany offered me to drive to whatever cafe "They" agreed on and it, being Sunday didn't favor me much because I can't run away from there

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Bethany offered me to drive to whatever cafe "They" agreed on and it, being Sunday didn't favor me much because I can't run away from there. 

AHHH I was meeting my ex-boyfriend whom I practically dumped, how much patience can a person haveeeeee  

I walked into the cafe still looking back to see if Bethany is waiting for me to enter so that she can leave but this bitch. she's still standing leaning on her car smiling 


I walked in knowing I have no option but to meet him.

My eyes searched for him looking over every seat when I finally found him...and I wouldn't lie. My heart landed faster than my brain when he came into my vision 

I finally remembered how different...but maturely different he looks. I left him when he loved him and now I don't deserve him... 


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"Jungkook..." he turned before his name touched my lips. He looked at me with amazement in his eyes as he looked at me from head to toe and insecurities filled me 

"Umm..hey," I said not knowing if I should shake his hand or hug him but he did neither and walked to the other side taking out my chair and gesturing for me to sit 

I walked over and sat in front of him as he smiled "Hey y/n" I gulped hearing my name from his's been long 

"So? how's everything going?" he asked still smiling 


And the silence took over, so I decided to break it 

"you achieved your dream, I see" I passed him a small smile looking at my lap 

"I did, did you?" I smiled more but this one wasn't of happiness but sorrow. I shook my head and licked my dry lips 

"But it's okay...I'm a travel journalist now. I love my job" I said pouring myself a glass of water. he nodded and looked around 

"You wanted to say something important?" He suddenly looked at me making me choke on my water, I coughed, and in an instant, he was beside me patting my back 

I looked up to see the minor distance between us, I got up and jerked back stumbling on my steps 

"I-I'm sorry, J-just...let's keep a distance" his face fell sad but he nodded and walked over to sit back

"You remember incident? my mom and grandma?" I nodded remembering how embarrassed I was 

"They came to meet my girlfriend but now she doesn't want to marry me" He raised his eyebrow planting his lips into a straight line 

"Oh- I'm sorry" "No sorry needed actually. But some help would be great" 

"How can I help you with this?" I asked  

"My grandma has cancer," he said 

"Oh god no..." 

"And you know them for a long time" I nodded eagerly wanting him to get to the point 

"Will you marry me" My eyes shot out of the socket

"I don't mind if it's fake, but y/n for my grandma...It's her last wish" I couldn't think straight, I was now on my unsteady legs with my eyes wandering trying to look everywhere but him. 

my skin went cold, my mouth went dry and my brain crumbled to pieces, how can he say this without thinking twice?

he was also up and was beside me 

"Y/n please, this is the last favor I can ever ask you please" I looked at him 

"Jungkook I can't- I no please" I was walking away when he held my hand and looked at me with tears in his eyes which made me stop for a sec

"Didn't you ever miss me? the love? the relationship?" if he could have contemplated my silence, he might have gotten the answer 

I jerked his hand away and backed a step "I was never a good girlfriend to you jungkook, don't give me another chance" I said and walked away draining my eyes with all the tears that I ever held 


Jungkook pov 

I came back home with just thoughts and no approval. if Love was ever achieved by a successful person without doing anything? I would have 2 complete dreams  

It was late but I was up drinking thinking how I wasn't able to hate the single girl who left me when I needed her (author: I hate to type this jungkook...BECAUSE MILLIONS OF GIRLS WILL DIE FOR YOU) 

It shattered me to see it all crumble into nothing but ashes from the day y/n started distancing from me. 

It was as if she was afraid of my touch, distant from my love even tho I tried everything I could, at last? she left me without telling me where and why 

and now that I got her I have still got a chance to make her mine but no solution for doing so 

I felt so frustrated that I was going to throw my glass at the wall but before that bell rang 

I groaned dropping my glass on the table with a thud and walking to the door and opening it to see the last person I ever imagined to be here at this time 


she was drunk...barely able to stand on her legs and tipsy as hell. She threw herself at me and I held her waist in an instant.

"I missed you, jungkook," She said kissing my neck as a spark ran through my neck down to my spine, her lip did the same magic that it did in the past and I can't deny it. But this is not the right time

"Y/n you are drunk" I closed my eyes calming myself down

"I KNOW! I just came to tell..." She backed off and I saw her red cheeks under the moonlight, eyes closed, and the prettiest smile.

"Marry me...make me your wife" She smiled and lost consciousness. 

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