Chapter 3

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Jungkook POV

It must be a dream IT HAS TO BE...

Y/n was walking towards me but her smile didn't last long, she was looking as beautiful as ever, as loving as mine as ever.

When she reached a safe distance she took a deep breath and closed her eyes


Oh lord have mercy...this is so so so better than an orgasm. My name from her lips is as sweet as melted chocolate

"T-the bracelet, I'm sorry" I looked at her hands which were handing me back the bracelet my grandma gave to her as a "recognization of the wedding"

"It's okay, I'm sorry as well... it was a misunderstanding" She nodded as her hand fell by her side and she held her purse

"I-I'll go, bye" she was walking away...not again

Unconsciously I called out her name which made her stop

"Y/N" Her steps came to a halt as she turned around and I had no idea what to utter when our eyes made a contact

"I-how are you?" she passed me the small yet sweetest smile she owned and nodded 

"I...I'm good" She smiled and walked away before mumbling under her breath "After seeing you, so good"

My heart pumped with blood as if it was cold and stiff before that, my hands went cold and I was smiling like an idiot...again.

I walked into my sister's cabin smiling like that when I heard her voice,

"Oh looks like someone is in love again ? last time that look was on your face was when y/n was your girlfriend"

she knew...

"Hmm hmm, I met her outside" I sat in front of her still in my imaginary world, grinning.

"And you fell back in love?" I nodded when she hit my head making me come to reality

"ahh, what!" "You have a girlfriend jerk!" The realization hit me as I sighed in frustration and sat in front of her

"She left me, she doesn't want to marry me" "Knew it, so now what?"

"Now I have no idea so I came to you, any idea?"

"What about y/n?" I thought about it for long and I figured out, YEAH SHE'S RIGHT

I can ask y/n to help, she-

"She wouldn't" I mumbled rolling my eyes Minseo

"Nothing goes in asking right?" she's right...

I thought about it for a second and without uttering a single word, I ran out searching for her but she was gone...

I ruffled my hair frustratedly when a hand landed on my shoulder

"Don't worry sad ass, I have her number on her prescription, take it from me" Minseo giggled and walked back into her cabin as I smiled to myself


"You did great y/n," Bethany said patting my back while driving as I smiled to myself


We walked into the doctor's cabin and I was shocked to see jungkook's sister there. she recognized me too

"HEY, Y/n!" I smiled and walked taking a seat in front of her

"Hey Minseo" she smiled and locked her hands keeping her fist on the table

"Long time no see?" I nodded taking a deep breath "So?"

"I have had lower back and cervix pain for a few days" She nodded writing it down and then she took me for an ultrasound and I wasn't very pleased to listen

That I had uterine fibroids, She told me they're not major right now but if not taken care of they might grow cause they are just like tumors in the uterus

She told me to have a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle etc. After taking all the bits of advice, I walked out with Bethany.

but my eyes landed on one particular person outside...Jungkook.

He was kneeling in front of a pregnant woman talking to her unborn baby and it was the sweetest thing I saw today.

I took a breath controlling my tears nurturing the sweet moments of our past, he used to have these cule babies posters all over his room in college.

his first dream was to be a gynecologist and his second was to be a dad...

suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder bringing me back to reality as I jerked my shoulder away to look behind me

"You still adore him, don't you?" Bethany

I sighed but didn't reply. I took a deep breath as my eyes filled with tears

"Go, give him that bracelet," she said patting my back

I looked at my hands and saw the bracelet. I took a deep unsteady breath and walked towards him when he stood up and turned

I sure did love how he grew up to become the fine handsome gentlemen that he is today, maybe destiny wasn't with us.


We came back home and decided to complete our day with some strong shots of whiskey.

"What about your project? are you going to ask back for it?" Bethany asked me as I sighed and noddely I have to! It's mine, I'm not handing my project to that bitch" She nodded sipping her whiskey in silence

the silence was cut off by my phone buzzing with notification and both our attention went to it, I saw Bethany smirking at me

"IT'S NOT A BOY" I sighed unlocking it to see a few texts from an unnamed number

"unknown: Hey Y/n, Jungkook here"

....WHA- "This man would say otherwise," I looked over my shoulder to see a smug face, Bethany

"SHiT- don't scare meeee" I pushed her face back with my index finger

"Well, why is he texting you? didn't you both delete each other's number?"

"We did. I don't know where he got it," I said opening his text and typing hey back

"Y/n: hey..." 

"Didn't you have a better idea than typing those 3 dots?" I rolled my eyes at her and handed her my phone

"If you're good at it, then have this conversation" She nodded proudly and had a conversation with him while I had 2 more shots of whiskey

after 2 min she kept the phone down

"What happened?" I asked her leaning my head on the table

"he wants to meet you tomorrow, he has something important to talk to you" My hands slipped from the dining slab

"WHAT, don't tell me you said-"

"You are going" She smiled and patted my head walking away


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