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Well, after being scolded by your sibling, you had finally reached the one and only Casita.

'Great, people,' you muttered.

To be honest you hated people. (well this is based off me sooo i had to mention this).
People were just too untrustworthy.

Even when you were young, gou thought you had people-phobia.

'Oh and this must be Y/N,' Julieta politely acknowledged you.

'Huh?' you had no idea you had zoned for so long.

They all chuckled.

'Yes I am the Y/N, the one and only,' you said, faking a smile.

'Oh hi Y/N,' Mirabel came.

'Hey, person I met at the town,'

'Is my name really that hard to forget?' she said, fake hurt.


'So basically I have to give you a tour,'


'Ikr, like you get to go with the Mirabel Madrigal,'

My head is hurting so bad and I have a fever but heres another shitpost :)

Pity Party - Yandere Mirabel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now