Hey Linda

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(I hate the name but I can't change it)

'Hey, Linda how you doing?' the person with the e/c eyes said, waving like a lunatic.

'Fine,' Linda said. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, she had natural makeup applied on her face.

'Long time no see, eh?'

'Yeah, I guess you could say that,'

The two people chatted away happily. It was a good catch up. Linda had moved away to a different country when they were only 7. Of course they still video called but it wasn't as good as meeting her in person. Linda has matured, while Y/N had mentally grown smaller.

Y/N was envious how Linda could entrance anyone with a blink. She was perfect. No fault in her. While Y/N was struggling to look presentable, Linda could where a trash bag and still look like a model.

Honestly, life was shit.

Linda helped Y/N to grow to like people more. They were bffs. The day they met was one of the best days in Y/N's life. Back then, Linda was the ugly duckling. Time progressed and Linda got more hotter .

People supposed the reason why Linda was so much more perfect was because Y/N kept scowling and faking smiles. They wasn't genuinely happy.

But that was months and months ago, now Y/N had became a tougher more better person than she could ever imagine.

Self growth was what happened. With Linda, she felt at ease. With anyone else, it was a bit scary.

To be honest, Y/N felt watched. It was probably her being paranoid. She brushed it off again.

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