The Tour Of The Town

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'So now you know every place, person and most importantly Abuela,'

'What's so special about Abuela may I ask, not to be rude, but why doesn't she have a gift?'

'Well, I don't either but Abuela looks up to everyone else who has one, also she helped us get our gifts, she's the reason why we are so blessed,' she said as she talked about the woman who mistreated her so much with so much admiration.

You could not help but feel bad for her.

' Well I guess this is the end if the tour, if you have any questions please ask me, it'll be such a pleasure to assits you, you' re not boring like the rest of people here, '

' Ikr like im so perfect, 'you said, showing off the ego.

To be honest, you acted like you were so full of your self when you were really insecure. (again, this is based off me, I sound depressed but well I need go give a character I can relate to Im sorry).

Fake a smile was your motto.

'Well you are quite the catch,' she said, facing you and then dissapearing into the blur of people, hustling and bustling around.

'Well, she is an ok person,'

You made notes if people's behaviours, if they acted mean or rude then you silently judged them and started to think of comebacks if thry ever said anything to you. The comebacks would vary from personality, looks, family etc.

Your parents said that it was a bad habit, but bad habits are needed in a person.

Plus, it's only self defense.

Ok, lol i did a character summary for most of it. As it is based on me slightly, i make your charcter a bit different to other Y/N's where they are as sweet as sugar. Im nothing of the sort. I sound depressed but this is my way of like being able to relate to someone a fictional character. Im sick of yns where they act like everything is perfect and make it seem like they're not human. I have made a speech about it lol.

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