Whatever Chapter This Is

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Mirabel had meltdowns every single time she was with you. Although she tried to hide it, she was getting more and more annoyed that you found her in this state and she was having this much meltdowns.

You wanted to help her but she qould never accept it. 'Stubborn ass bitch, ' you thought. you were also pissed at Mirabel's family for not believing her and thinking that she ruined Antonio night on purpose. Also she had gotten even more agitated when Isabela showed up, comparing herself. Insecurities were all over the place.

You had decided that maybe a break would be good for you and her. That's why she was coming with you to get some ice-cream. She was paying of course.

'The sky is so damn blue,' you said, trying to make a conversation that was interesting but hopelessly failed.

'I'm not a nerd I don't care,'

'Well jeez, and also are you sure about that?' you said playfully as you nudged her arm. This was a common thing in your friendship. You would tease eachother a lot. It mostly consisted of you though. But key word, playfully, if anyone said anything to her, you would be ready to kick there ass.

' Hey Y/N,' she said.


'Thank you for being there for me,'

'Ok stop with this emotional shit,'

You turned away from her, hoping that she wouldn't see the smile on your face.

Meanwhile she was thinking, how she could win you over. She had yearned for you to be hers. And, she had noticed that you gave people a whole pity Party. So that's all she had to do to get closer to you. maybe even the few murders, but that would be only if she's desprate.


sorry you all must think ive died. well, thats not true but stress from school was building up and then also writers block played a HUGE part in this. i just couldn't think of the perfect idea. and i dont wanna give you all anything that's less than that. thank you all for being so patient!

Pity Party - Yandere Mirabel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now