Chapter Four

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He sat at his desk going over the plans to build houses and extend his pack further. Building more houses and a bigger day care, even a few community buildings for all members of his pack, possibly other supernaturals to feel safe.

He was a great alpha and father to his kids, everyone loves him and all for good reasons. He was understanding and reliable. There was no wrong he could do. Some thought otherwise and hated him.

They thought celebrating the alphas lost son was pointless, that it was a waste of time because the boy was long gone. After a few ran their mouths too much they got what they deserved and never stepped one foot in the pack territory.


Tomorrow will be his sons 18th birthday. He's prepared everything with his wife, despite some pack members and family asking to help, he still refused. His son would have found his mate and taken over in a months time...if he had still been alive.

Him and his wife agreed this will be the last birthday they celebrate with the pack, after tomorrow they'd do it together. Just them and their kids.

They've always felt like he was still with them, like his presence was still there. Maybe that's just what comes with having children and losing them.


The Alpha woke up at 5am like everyday. He laid there not ready for the day, tears ready to fall from his eyes.

His wife sensed his distress and comforts him in her sleep, to which he holds onto her and cries himself back to sleep.

Blinking awake to feel kisses on his tear stained face with 2 pairs of bright blue eyes staring down at him. He smiles. "Good morning my children."

"Good morning Father!" The twins all but screech in his face, jumping on the bed.

Luna and Enzo. Just 8 years of age. Both spoilt due to being twins and looking exactly alike. If Luna was going cut her hair or Enzo grow his hair you'd think they were 2 boys or 2 girls. Both just as loud and energetic as the other. There's no way anyone could tell them apart unless they were paying attention.

Luna tends to roll her eyes...a lot, whist Enzo tends to have a judgmental look on his face...a lot. They were a special pair really, both alphas too. Just like their older sister.

Rochelle. She wasn't one to back down from a fight. Actually, she's the one who'd start them, all for good reason though. She may be 15 but she's very mature. She'd attend meetings with her father or go on day patrols around the boarder, even help train the younger pups.

As mature as she is, she's still a kid. Still has to go through high school like every other kid and just like every other kid, she has her ups and downs but just like everyone in her family, they can't keep their mouths shut.


The celebration didn't start for another few hours so the alpha found himself in his office at 8:50 going over and finalising plans for new builds.

4 minutes go by. The hairs on his arms stand stiff and a light shiver makes its way down his back. He brushed it off as the draft coming through the window.

Another 4 minutes go by, sat tapping his pen against the edge of the table, leaning back into his chair in a daze.

🎶If I only could,

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