Chapter Eight

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"HEY! Hey! Baby you need to calm down, ok?"

That voice, that scent, those hands on my cheeks lifting my face to look at them.

That face, the look of worry in his eyes.

I don't feel itchy anymore, the icky hot feeling is gone too.

I slowly calm down and realise the mess I've made in the hospital room.

I lift my arms to grab onto Killian's forearms to keep myself balanced.

"That's good, yeah just breath slowly, just focus on me. You're ok, I'm here." He said as he runs his fingers through my hair. His touch, god his touch is so gentle and calming.

"Thank you."  Releasing a breath and then looking back at him. The worried look is still on his face but he still managed a small smile.

He directs me to sit back on the bed, which I do with no hesitation. He helps me get comfortable before going to pick up the monitor and broken parts off the floor.

He picked up the monitor so effortlessly, the way his arms flexed and the veins in his hand became more noticeable made my southern region twitch. It got me thinking about his abs and the happy trail that went past his V line into his shorts, and what his southern region looks like, how big it is, what it's feel like in my-

"Erm baby," looking up I find Killian sat on the chair next to the bed, covering his nose, "nows probably, actually definitely not the time to be releasing your pheromones."

I feel the heat rising from my neck covering my face and look away embarrassed. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I- this all new to me, I don't know how to control them, or myself for that matter, so much is happening and I don't know what to do, it's all overwhelming and I'm tired and hungry, very very hungry, is there any pizza available or ice cream ooooo how about cereal? I could really do with a nice bowl of coco pops right now, or even cinnamon toast crunch or Reese's puffs, noooo froo-"

"Baby, breath. You can get food soon, but right now the nurse needs to check you out and see if you're ok to leave." I looked at him dumbfounded with that smirk on his face as if me starving was amusing. "What nurse?"

"Me honey, I got here when you mentioned being tired. Tell me, are you mentally or physically tired?" Looking to my right, there is indeed a nurse.

"Both if I'm being honest with you."

"That's good, well it's not good but it's a good sign that you're having regular symptoms. Anyways, you'll be fine to leave today because from what I see you've healed well and what the monitor did say, you're great." She ended with a scribble on her clipboard and a smile.

"Oh thank fuck for that, I don't know if I could last being in here conscious for any longer." Swinging my legs over the side of the hospital bed to stand.

"You should probably take it easy, you've been here since the basketball match." The nurse said.

"What? That was like a week ago right? Not that long ago, I'll be fine." Shrugging my shoulders and reaching out for Killian to help, to which he quickly gets up and supports me.

"Mickey, it's mid January, the game was 4 months ago."

"I- 4 months!?! I MISSED CHRISTMAS?!?" I missed Christmas, we planned to go to a cabin because it'd be fun and cozy. Going shopping for presents and then me and Sam fighting about who's gonna get what for eachother, having hot chocolate in front the fire and watching Christmas movies, then open the presents knowing exactly what it is we got and then having dinner at a log table where there isn't enough space for all the food to be on, how could I miss Christmas.

"That's what you're worried about? Christmas? Not the fact you ran off and we found you in the woods surrounded by blood and how you basically kinda went feral on us?" Killian asked was a puzzled look on his face.

He's right, there are more important things to dwell on, like how I should probably call my actual father so I can find out what's wrong with me.

"Right yeah, can we at least get food before we get into the serious stuff?" I asked as I slip my feet into a pair of hospital slippers.

Killian chuckles as he loops his arm behind me to grab onto my waist to support me better. "Yes baby, whatever you want."


After leaving the hospital Killian had taken me to get pizza, which we ate in the car because I was too lazy to want to get out his car. I mean come on, the guy smells amazing.

Pulling up to the pack house I remembered he told me everyone was waiting for me after he notified them I was awake.

"Come on." He said as he got out the car and came to my side.

"Can't we just act like I didn't wake up?" I asked sinking further into my chair.


"You're a man of very little words you know that?" Sitting up fully and looking at him.

"Get up." He said as leaned forward with one hand on top of the door and the other on the roof of his car. Hot.

See at times like these I wish I'd just shut up, but apparently shutting up isn't in my builders manual.

"Make me." Daring him as I leaned closer to him, lowering my voice.

He took his hand off the door and placed it on my thigh, gripping it firmly as he leaned in towards my ear. I could feel his warm breath and his lips grazing my ear.

"Don't tempt me baby, I've been on edge for 4 months. There's nothing to stop that your awake." His head lowered into my neck as he inhaled and exhaled on my exposed skin.

His hand that was on my thigh was trailing up hovering over my crotch, towards the top of my trousers where he tugged on them jerking me forward.

The whimpering that left my throat as his mouth started kissing my neck gently and then the groan that came out after when his tongue ran over the sensitive spot I didn't know I had.

My hands automatically responded gripping onto his arm that was now unbuttoning my trousers and undoing the zip. He then ran his hand under my shirt making me shiver at his cold touch.

His fingers were grazing the band on my boxers, teasing me.


"Please what?"

We jumped away from each other and looked at the person who spoke. If begging Killian wasn't embarrassing enough, try getting caught by his father...the Alpha.


A/N!: As my Christmas gift to you, I'll stop procrastinating and actually upload chapters regularly!!


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