Chapter Six

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The room I'm in is pitch black, I don't know how big the room is, how close or far the walls even are. It's so dark.

I didn't move from the spot I was In because I didn't know what was around me. There could have been a sleeping tiger for all I know.

I don't know how long it was of me sitting there but a large suddenly appeared directly across from me with a bright light coming from behind it. I look around the room and find it was a nursery.

There was a dark wood crib on the left side up against the wall with a forest theme mobile hanging from it. On the ride hand side was a changing table and a rocking chair next to it.

On the left side of the wall I was leaning on was a door.

I reach for it to leave but it opens suddenly.

A man comes in frantically with a bag and goes to the changing table and opens the drawers pulling out baby clothes and diapers, everything in it.

I go to speak but I women comes in and goes to the crib. How didn't I notice there was a child in there?

She wraps the baby up quickly but gently enough not to wake it up. I took this chance to speak.

"Erm, excuse me?"

Ignored. They just continued rushing around.

"Excu-" "Alessandro, quick! We don't have time, they'll be back any time soon. Goddess! Why did you choose now to do this!!" Frantically says putting the child back down to go help the man.

"Oh shut up Gaia! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ARGUE WITH YOU!" The man turns and shouts in her face.

The man...the woman...


Surely lot...

The man huffs and turns directly too me. He takes a few steps forward and reachers his hand out.

His hand went right threw if I was a ghost...

"Hurry up and get the money and the gun, we need to get to the car soon." She says picking up the child.

"Ugh what the fuck is the code!? Why is there a co-...ha it's the little shits birthday, fucking 0409"

Mom? Dad? What are- not they're not my parents...they never were.

Giova- no, father said he was his brother. This bastard really did kidnap me.

I was too much in my head I hadn't notice them leave. I run out the door and find them running down the hall on the left and follow.

They run past what I assume is the main stairs and continue down the hall. They reach a skinny door that leads down some back stairs to outside.

Once outside they run threw the forest and reach an abandoned car.

"Quick get in and start the car!"

"Don't fucking rush me bitch, you have no right! You're not my mate!" He shouts back.

She puts the child in the back where there's already a car seat and goes to the passenger seat just as he closes the trunk and makes his way to the left side in the drivers seat.

"I have every right! YOU decided to kill you mate and mate me after!! Don't take your selfish bullshit out on me!"

"Oh boo hoo, maybe if your mate didn't try to sleep with the Luna you wouldn't be here!"

"...and this is why we're here love, because we both hate everything and everyone. Anyways let's go, we have a long journey to America."


They drove forever, they didn't fly because that really would have been risky you know, kid napping and running away with someone's child. So they took a ferry from Rotterdam to Miami.

They had everything they needed except all the documents and ID were fake.

Once they got to America they traveled forms month looking for a pack that would take them in. During that time they injected the little boy with something every few hours. I could only assume that was the suppressants they were giving me the 4 years I lived with them.

They eventually found the Knights pack and got welcomed in.

They had told the alpha that they were lone wolfs who left their pack to live by themselves until they found eachother and thought raising their child in a pack would be better to the child to learn and develop.

Of course the alpha fell for it, he's a family man.

Those 4 years of torture and misery were horrid. All the physical and emotional abuse I had to endure until I was 6, the things I had seen, felt, heard and ate? No child should suffer. Anyone would have gone insane after that but luckily for me my adopted parents took me in and looked after me.

I never knew what killed my uncle and his mate but I knew it had something to the rouge attack that happened.

Something had happened to the alphas family as well because Killian wasn't the same. No one had seen him until freshman year started.


"Hey today in home eco we made brownies, your favourite, and this one girl was being such a bitch. She told the teacher I took her mixing bowl and put a shit ton of salt in it!! And I got detection for it!! She's so lucky I didn't kill her there and then. Anyways--..."




What is that annoying beeping.



"Your mother's been cleaning your room non stop since you've been here, I've told her there's no need because it can't get any cleaning and she almost cut my tongue out my mouth hahaha, gosh baby wake up soon, I can't win against her without you here."


"Dad says you'll wake up soon and that I don't need to worry so much. I can't not worry. It's the middle of January now, you've been here since the beginning of September. All o can do is worry, be scared that you won't come back to me. I know we don't know eachother but I can't lose you when I've only just got you."



I feel so weak. My body feels so heavy.

I don't remember opening my eyes but the light coming from the window tells me they're open.


I tired to sit up but it hurt so much, my body feels like its been hit by a truck.


This beeping needs to stop. I ignore the pain and sit up and pull the wires from my body and throw them to the floor, that only just makes the beeping louder.

Standing up I stagger to whatever is making that noise and push every button to make it stop, but it won't.

It needs to stop.

"SHUT UP!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I push then machine over and it break. The beeping stopping as well.

My body feels hot. And itchy.

The door bursts open.


A/N sorry for late upload! I didn't like how I first wrote it so I did it all over!!


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