Adrielle Elxr Olden Aimaru

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Aster's POV

A most hated place, is there such a thing? for me it's not really the place that we hate but the bad memories that happened there.  it gives you the creeps just by being there - to that place.
and if you're brave enough to face it then I'm glad that you made it.

but the question lies on us- Are we brave enough to recall all those memories?

"what's on our list?" Adie asked, his eyes pinned on the road as he drove carefully. I get my journal to see what or where would be our next goal of destination is.

"Hmm. Hated place." I said, I looked at him to see his reaction but still wearing his poker face. Now I am not sure if this was a good idea. Is he ready? I know it would be too much for him now that I know what he have been through. maybe this was a wrong idea.

"We can skip to the next one if you're not cool with this." I suggested still I get no answer from him. still focused on the road then I remembered what he said yesterday , when we went to the Amusement Park. he doesn't talked when he's driving. but he could have shake or nod his head to answer.

"I'm cool with it. and please stop the battle in your head." he said glancing at me then he fixed his sight on the road again. Him and his mind reading stuff when will I ever get used to it? Am I that transparent or It's just him? I thought.

" why don't you open your window and try to feel the air. I mean it will help you relax a bit or atleast." he suggested which I submissively followed and like he said it really did calmed me. it's as if my worries have been taken away by the wind. now I can see a clearer view of the trees on the side of the road. And realized that we're out from the city because lot of green thing is going on in here, well I'm not good at describing things but that would do, for me... I guess...
It's all green and I love it. Green means life for me. 

Maybe this is really what I needed, you know to take off to forget everything for a while and spend it with someone I barely knew. A total stranger I must say.
I felt that we were slowing down, I think we're near to our destination. we've been driving for an hour now and still no sign where are we really heading.
Adie made a right turn.  still seeing trees and farm animals on the side road. Then finally I saw a house, an ancestral house.
whoever owns this he or she is filthy rich. The Exterior and structure were exquisite, as if it was carefully built. it was made with mixture of wood and concrete. the details were on point. Very regal and grandiose.
my thoughts were cut off when Adie stopped the engine.

"welcome to our house." he said not sure what he sound like. I can't read his thoughts now and it's frustrating. he got out of the car and hurriedly went on my side to open the door for me. I'm not crippled though but I appreciate his gesture. A gentleman indeed.

"wow. It's huge." finally I said, I've let out the excitement inside me. I love old houses. It takes me back to the old days where life is simple and with less complications. I used to live in the province before but when Dad took over Grandpa's company we decided to live in the City.

"after you." he said and gestured me the way to the front door. he opened it and to my surprise everything was covered with white fabrics.

"nobody's staying here?" I asked out of curiosity. I checked the whole room then my eyes stopped in a painting, It's a family portrait. I knew that old man It is the late Jackson Olden so that makes that boy who's smiling brightly was Adie and that elegant woman was his mom. they look so happy in that portrait. Makes me wonder why his Dad changed.

"So you've met my Dad and my Mom." I looked at the owner of that voice and found Adie staring at their family portrait. teary eyed maybe all those memories came rushing to him as soon as we got here.
Suddenly this place made me felt sad and lonely.

"you didn't answer my question" I said almost like a whisper. he took a deep breathe before answering it.

"None. but Nanay Celing cleans and checks this house for me. Together with Mang Pedring." he casually said. still his eyes fixed on their family portrait, I felt his longing for his late father.

"It's been a while Dad." He said forcing a laugh. It's hurting him. Makes me regret my decision. Am I really helping him? I knew that this would be too much for him. Still I forced him to do this.

I didn't know that silence would be this loud, it was deafening. I couldn't utter a single word to console him. I just simply exist and breathe the same air with him.
Maybe Adie needed someone who would listen to him and not someone who would give him advices that aren't even helpful nor sensible at all.

"I'll listen." I managed to say, he smiled at me. It felt heavy inside and for sure Adie got more weight to carry with him. He sighed as if gathering all the strength he needed to tell his story. A story that he tried to forget over the years.

"I was 5 years old when that portrait was made. We were happy back then but I didn't know that - that would be the last time."

He said then walked passed behind me, I glance at him following his every movement to see where he was going then he stopped in front of a wall, it was a frame, probably another portrait but it was covered with white fabric.
Adie pulled the fabric. And as a reflex I closed my eyes and covered my nose, dust filled the air making it hard for us to breathe. I waited for the dust to settle.

"I didn't know that everything would changed."  I couldn't see Adie's face but I know what he felt inside. Sadness

I can see it clearly now. Everything's changed. As if the persons in the first portrait was from  a different family.
Adie's bright sunny smile was gone his eyes was full of sadness and rage he was unrecognizable. My eyes shifted to Adie's mom, she's smiling trying to look happy but her eyes says different.
It is full of hatred and fear but the person who changed a lot was Adie's Dad.
Aside from his appearance that changed his whole personality does. As if he was a different person. He was stoic, vicious, he screams authority and power. A face of an abuser but also a father and a husband who neglects his family.

"I was fourteen years old here. This was the time where I tried to run from my father's shadow."
He said as he reminisced everything.

" I tried to buried all these memories together with my past but here I am Dad still haunted by your shadow."
He chuckled as he said those words. I tried to move a little bit closer to him but still can't see his face.

"Wanna hear my story Aster?"
He got my attention with that. Do I really want this? Will it help him? Or it would just make him worse?

" I'm warning you already, it's not a fairytale but a nightmare that I'm trying to escape up until now." He added. I couldn't say a word I just nodded my head to answer.

I am ready to listen Adie. Always...

"Are you ready to know the real me? The real Adrielle Elxr Olden Aimaru?"
He asked, waiting for my answer.

"I am." I said with finality and smiled at him, trying to tell him that everything is gonna be fine but there's something that's been bothering me.

Am I ready to tell him my story?

Tuesday night miraclesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon