💞Meant to be💞

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Type: angst and fluff

"Aw please Hailey?" Milly begged with puppy eyes to the teal haired girl.

Hailey still looked insecure about singing Luke's song, she stood fidgeting infront of the microphone.

Why couldn't Jake have just gotten here sooner? She thought with a sour expression.

"C'mon Hailey. You know you want to." Sean piped up, fiddling with the keys on his laptop ready to press play on the music.

Hailey still looked anxious, "I-I don't know..." She muttered, not wanting to disappoint anyone.

Luke walked over to the club president, "It's okay if you don't want to do it Hailey. I don't wanna force you or anything." He assured, a guilty look appearing on his face. "But I'd really appreciate it if you'd do this for me." He added.

Zander stood in the corner next to Milly, taking in everything that was going on; well mainly focusing on his childhood friend. He'd never told Zander that he was interested in songwriting before.

"Ok, fine. You win." Hailey smiled bashfully, positioning her lips infront of the mic stood before her.

Luke smiled with gratitude before returning to his spot next to Zander, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as he stood next to the mauve haired boy.

Sean pressed the button on his laptop and the music started. Hailey picked up the sheet music and started singing the lyrics beautifully.

"I want you to show me, how to get to know, someone like you, someone like you,"

"I want you to know me, 'cause I know then you'll see, that we could be true, we could be true."

Zander blushed listening along to the lyrics of the song. It sounded like... a love song? Luke had written a love song?

"I want you to see what I see in us, something so real, something so real."

"I want you to see that this is a love, that we both feel, that we both feel."

Luke smiled at Hailey's beautiful singing. He really appreciated what she had done for him. He took his gaze away from the singer in the room and fixated his lemon eyes on Zander.

Blush covered his cheeks as he gazed down at his crush. He looked so handsome. So perfect. Luke got distracted and ended up staring at the pianist without realising.

Zander felt eyes on him and looked over at Luke who was staring right at him.

The brunette noticed Zander looking at him and his eyes widened. He looked away in embarrassment, blushing vigorously.

Zander just stood there confused. He furrowed his eyebrows. Why was Luke becoming so distant from him recently? Did he do something wrong?

"We're meant to be~"

As Hailey finished the last lyrics of the song, Milly clapped her hands, the noise echoing through the room. "You rock Hailey!" She beamed happily, putting a fist in the air.

Sean stood up from his desk and came over to the teal haired girl. "See, you were great." He complemented, giving her a reassuring smile.

Hailey smiled humbly, "Thanks guys." She muttered, her cheeks turning pink at all the praise she was receiving.

Luke grinned happily at the results. He was truly grateful. "Wow, Hailey. That exceeded all expectations." He smiled at her.

"That aside though. Luke, I can't believe you wrote that!" Sean walked over to the brunette.

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now