Chat Noir's Life just Sucks

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A/n I am writing this exactly a month after that last update. I'm gonna be honest, my life got a little hectic having to go to doctors appointments (lol my heart hath migrated to the right side of my chest AND is now sinking abnormally low which is fun. Or in the words of my classmate "your heart is just orbiting your sternum").

My class is also in charge of putting on prom cause I'm a junior and that's just been a fine cup of tea that's too hot and burns your tongue aggressively which causes you to drop the cup and let it shatter on the floor, spilling the hot tea of disaster everywhere uncontrollably and causing an unreasonable amount of stress.

And I'm in a play ;-; because extracurriculars are important or something. And on that note I had music festival to prepare for and a concert which hasn't even happened yet.

Plus the SAT. Fun.

And now finals are approaching ever so slowly.

Look at me giving y'all so many excuses. Bet you didn't read half of that anyways. So without further adieu, I shall finally write the update of this fic.



"... can I tell you something?" Chat asked.

"If it's got anything to do with your identity, then no."

"It's important."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Fine then. Out with it."

"I... my life sucks." Chat Noir finally said after taking a moment to reign in his thoughts.

"Everyone's life sucks." Ladybug managed to chuckle.

"I've come to realize... my father is abusive." Chat said, unable to bring his eyes to her.

"... he... what? Does he hit you?" Ladybug said, taken aback.

"Erm- no. I mean, maybe once in a while when he's really upset or stressed out but he's never left a mark." Chat said.

"That doesn't justify it." Ladybug said sternly.

"I know. He's just a control freak, that's all. Every aspect of my life is planned out and controlled, I'm constantly being monitored, and... well that's why it's hard to just get away. That's why I often join you in battle later than you'd prefer. I just want you to know I care a lot. I want to help you, I want to save Paris. This city is the world to me. It's been my life, I've lived here for... well all my memory growing up has been of Paris." Chat said, relaxing a bit. "It hurts to see the destruction that's fallen down on it. I feel like it's my fault for letting things get so out of hand but I can't really... control anything. I control nothing."


"And- well..." he cut her off, "When I'm out here as Chat Noir, it's the only time in my life where I can be free. I can finally be who I am. Chat Noir is like... my real self. This is the version of me where I'm actually me, with my real personality and right of thoughts." He said, starting to smile slightly.

"I understand that. It's a bit... different for me though."

"How so?"

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