Chat Noir loses his shit

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Chat Noir had no second thought that even graced his mind. He was so emotional in the moment it made him numb and his body acted on autopilot. There was only one thing that could heal that wound. At least that's what he thought. Such a thing didn't sound terrible. Yes, killing Hawkmoth would make it better, right? His life for the cost of hundreds.


Revenge was the only thing he could think of as he raced through the rooftops in search of Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth had run away, knowing that the two heroes would have chased him. Except Chat Noir was alone. Ladybug hadn't joined him.

It was fine. He didn't need her anyways.

Hawkmoth was in sight and by the look on his face, he looked horrified of Chat Noir. Something within Chat had changed, been stirred by the death of Mr. Takanashi. He felt sick. Sick of it all. And maybe he was sick of being the hero.

"Let us talk," Hawkmoth said, concealing himself with the use of the fox miraculous.

"Not in a million years! Cataclysm!" Chat said, summoning his power with pulsed around his ring hand.

"You don't know what you're doing. You're angry. But just listen to me," Hawkmoth said, still seemingly nowhere in sight, "if we unite Ladybug and your miraculous, we can bring back those who have died."

"You're pathetic!" Chat swung his hand and destroyed a wall, the debris revealing where Hawkmoth stood and making his illusion vanish.

"Well that was foolish," Hawkmoth said with a evil grin, "now you've wasted your power."

"I've wasted nothing!" Chat shouted. As he said this, his cataclysm returned to his hand.


"Fucking die!" Chat lunged after Hawkmoth.

"Chat Noir! Stop!" Ladybug shouted from the rooftops above. Hawkmoth dodged the attack, but lost his cane to Chat's cataclysm.

"I'll never stop! Not until he's dead! He deserves to die!" Chat said, summoning his cataclysm for a third time.

"How are you doing that?!" Hawkmoth said, trying to make an escape. Chat destroyed the ground beneath them, trapping them both in the sewers that lay beneath the streets.

"What is wrong with you?!" Chat shouted, his cataclysm spawning in his hand once again.

"This is impossible!"

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Chat Noir hollered, lunging at Hawkmoth. His hand destroyed the miraculous of the horse and monkey by accident in his attempt to kill the man. The kwamis instantly appeared and fell to the ground as if dead. But Chat didn't stop. He couldn't.

"Wait!" Hawkmoth said, his transformation wearing off and revealing his identity, "don't hurt me! I'm doing this for my family! We can talk this through!"

"You-" Chat froze, recognizing his father standing before him. ".... Father...."

"Adrien?" Gabriel, who was previously Hawkmoth, stepped back in shock.


"Adrien..." Ladybug jumped down beside him.

"How could you?!" Chat asked, dismissing Ladybug. "HOW COULD YOU?!"

"It's for your mother! I just need to make a wish and-"

"YOU'RE SICK!" Chat Noir spat, "don't you realize?! YOU'LL NEVER BE A GOD!"

His cataclysm formed once again and he lunged at his father who was now defenseless.

"Adrien! Stop it!" Ladybug screamed. He swiped at the man's chest, destroying the brooches of the moth and peacock without a thought. Their kwamis fell to the ground weakly.

"Adrien!" He father said sternly.

"Shut up!" He said with tears in his eyes. "Shut up! Both of you! SHUT UP!" His cataclysm reformed, bubbling even bigger. Gabriel took a step forward, reaching out a hand. Chat swept his arm up, and a dark blast blasted through the air, striking his father in the chest.

"I-" Gabriel choked, blood spilling from his lips.

"Why am I not surprised it was you all this time?" Chat asked. "Ladybug was right. Our family is corrupt."

Gabriel fell to his knees, a darkness consuming his chest, blossoming from his heart. "Adrien... you... killed me..."

"Good." Chat said, getting up and approaching the man, "now you'll have a reason to never be around."

Gabriel collapsed, life vanishing from his eyes. The kwamis flew about in worry for their comrades on the ground. Chat Noir felt numb. He felt nothing. This was it.

This was his breaking point.

He crawled to his fathers body, no tears in his eyes. He spared Ladybug one last glance before leaving. And he left for good.

This chapter is really short because the next one I plan to have be the finale so stay tuned folks ✌️

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