Ladybug and Chat are getting a divorce and Chat's taking the kids

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Hey guys :)

It's your boy Peter... updating this... even tho the last chapter came out.... Quite a while ago.

Again I'm just apologizing for my inactivity.

Man I really picked a bad time to start a new fic. I shoulda waited till summer XD

Hey at least this isn't as bad as my other current fic "World to Hell" which haven't been touched in two months but oh well. Bet my peeps who found me through "Peter Will Die" (y'all are my favorite shhh) are disappointed because I updated that one daily lol.

But it's alright now. No more doctors appointments for a while, no more concerts, music festivals, drama plays, or finals are in the way.

That was a lie I do have one more final in History but shush.

Anyways, I'm not sure how many of you are actually interested in this fic so if you want me to continue it after this chapter please tell me cause there's really hardly anyone reading this and it's made my confidence take a dive.

Have fun or something



"I- I-" she struggled to get the words out. "I... Hawkmoth..."


"Hawkmoth... I know who he is."

Chat froze.

And that is as far as I got before leaving this for two whole days. What am I doing. I can't write ugh. Help.



"I- I-" she struggled to get the words out. "I... Hawkmoth..."


"Hawkmoth... I know who he is."

Chat froze. How could he react. This suddenly felt like a dream and anything Ladybug said wasn't going to snap him out of his trance. She begged for response from him yet all he could do was stare blankly ahead, wondering how she could possibly know. How could she figure it out without his help, and was she safe?

"Chat?" Ladybug repeated. "Chat are you there?"

"You're lying..." Chat said, though he didn't mean to.

"I'm not! I promise, just trust me!" Ladybug pleaded.

"How did you... who..."

"Well... I think I know who he is," Ladybug said. "Um... I've been doing some deep searching these past few months and I might have found my answer."


"Just... can you meet up with me? I'm at Parc Monceau."

"Alright." Chat managed to say. Ladybug hung up and Chat had to take a few moments to register the reality of her words. She'd figured it out, yet something in him told him he didn't want to know.

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