Never Be A God

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Chat Noir could sense Ladybug following him even without seeing her. She followed him from afar but he knew she was there. She was always there. Did she not understand? Did she not understand he wanted her to leave?

Go away.

He went past the Eiffel Tower, jumped through the Arc De Triomphe, flying over roads and cities to escape the world. For a brief moment, in the height of the sky, he caught a glimpse of the Parc De Monceau and guilt suddenly ate at his heart as he remembered the things he'd said to ladybug just a few nights before. But he pushed that thought aside.

It didn't take him long to reach Levallois Perret, who's streets were busy with cars and noise. The Île de la Grande Jatte was large but didn't even bother Chat when he crossed it. By now, Ladybug was far behind him. Perhaps she was now gone too. He passed over rivers, canals, cities, all in grand escape.

To escape the things he'd seen.

The things he'd done.

Not even an hour had past and he's reached Argenteuil. He was moving fast but he was growing tired. And what he now realized was that he couldn't even feel Plagg's presence with him. Perhaps this was it. The finale.

He stopped at the Parc de Berges. A skatepark was nearby. It held many trees but also open fields, and the water of the canal reflected the city lights ever so elegantly. Lyon was a beautiful place and Chat Noir had had many photo shoots there as Adrien. But this was the first time he saw the city through the eyes of Chat Noir. It was magnificent.

He crawled into the arc of a rafter over the river and hid. He tucked his head between his knees and now started to cry. His emotions finally caught up to him and he felt week. Overwhelmed.

What have I done?

Chat didn't want to think about it but it ate away at him nonetheless. He'd just unlocked a hidden power that perhaps Plagg was to scared to tell him he possessed. And where was Plagg now? His transformation wasn't wearing off, yet he felt no urge to become Adrien. Plagg was gone. He'd done something just moments ago to keep him away, trapping him within the miraculous.

And so Chat continued to cry. Ladybug had in fact been following him because after a while she showed up under the bridge, silently standing next to him. It took her a while to finally say something, but they were not words of comfort.

"You just killed your father."

Chat knew it was true but he didn't want to believe it. And why must she stand there right now? What did she gain from his misery?

"What do you want?" Chat Noir growled.

"Give me your miraculous." Ladybug said solemnly, "it's for the best."

"I'd rather destroy myself than give it to you." Chat snarled. Ladybug seemed taken aback.


"Adrien is dead!" Chat exclaimed, leaping to his feet, the metal rafter buzzing from the vibration. "I killed him when his mother died! He's gone Ladybug!"

"Chat, calm down, please!"

"No! I can't calm down! Leave me alone!" Chat exclaimed, leaping of the rafter and jumping into the night sky over the new city. Ladybug begrudgingly followed.

"Adrien, listen!"

"Stop calling me that." Chat Noir hissed back at her, disappearing over a building rooftop. She caught up to him, finding exactly where he'd tried to hide behind a pigeon coop.

"Please, just give me the miraculous. We can sort this all out when things have settled down," she said, offering a hand to him. He offered his own hand which bore his ring, but just before she could grab it, he silently summoned his cataclysm.

"Never. It's not safe with you."

"Well it's not safe with you either! Something's happened Chat, you're scaring me!"

"I just killed Hawkmoth, why can't you be happy?!"

"You've changed!"

"I'm not the one who was neglectful enough to lose all the miraculous!"

"And I'm not the one who resorted to murder!"

"Fuck off!" Chat screamed, kicking at the ground and launching himself into the air.


"I said stop calling me that! MARINETTE!" He shouted as he hurled back to the earth, outstretching his cataclysmic hand. She kept to the side, causing him to destroy the rooftop in which they previously stood upon.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"I told you to leave me alone!" A blast shot from Chat's core, knocking Ladybug to the ground. She fell weakly, clutching her stomach where the invisible blast had struck her. "No-"

Chat rushed to her as blood sputtered from her lips. She had a look of terror in her eyes as her gaze darted down to where he hand was pressed against her gut, the red of her suit bleeding into a deeper, darker color. It was almost black.

"Marinette, Marinette!"

Chat fell to his knees next to her, hands fluttering about over her with worry, trembling. Tears fell from his cheeks which he made no effort to contain. She reflected the same.

"Use your lucky charm!" He suggested, fearing the inevitable.

"I can't." Ladybug said.


"This is what you wanted."

Ladybug's death shook the earth. Paris had a new aura to it. It was dark, and gloomy. There was no fear of Hawkmoth but now a fear of the unknown. A fear of Chat Noir who hid I'm self away from the world, hiding from what he had done.

He didn't feel heartbreak, or sorrow. He wasn't sad, but he wasn't happy. He didn't feel fulfilled, this wasn't what he wanted. He was numb. There was nothing left in him that cared for the world.

Plagg was gone, but so was Adrien. Tikki had left to find a new guardian, but Chat Noir knew she really just wanted to escape him. She, as well as all the surviving kwami's, fled Paris. Never to be seen by the human eye again.

Chat Noir did nothing but watch over the city, disgusted with himself and what he had done. His tired eyes were grey and lifeless, his will to live on vanished. Too much had happened.

And over the weeks following the death of Ladybug, he had time to think. Was she ever the bad guy? Or was that something he made up all this time. He had a right to be angry in the beginning, but he never gave her another chance. He was too convinced in his hatred for her. Their last embrace had been nearly a year ago.

Chat Noir counted 45 deaths on the day Ladybug died, 26 in the days after. It had been 32 days since then. The air was cold and numb, nothing felt the same anymore. Not on this mad persecution down the path of madness.

And after all that there was one thing he had realized. It was never Ladybug who was power hungry. It was never Hawkmoth. It wasn't even him.

But nonetheless; he would never be a god.

And it's over. Goodbye.

But you should read my MLB rewrite whenever I post it because I've been putting a lot of effort into it. I want it to be perfect. I have to save Miraculous XD

Sorry for this edgy fic. Have fun with living.

Bye ✌️

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