Adrien doesn't know how to paddleboard

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Chat Noir didn't find anything of suspicion when he went to the Agreste mansion. Part of the reason he insisted to go alone, however, was so that he could investigate as Adrien from the inside. He did regret being so harsh on Ladybug, it's not like she knew she'd accused his family of such horrible evils. He knew he shouldn't have lashed out at her, but with all the pent up anger he was dealing with, it was bound to come out at some point.

Perhaps he should have kept it in a little longer.

Chat Noir and Adrien felt like a glass of water being filled. The water was all the emotion he had to keep within him, as well as events triggering such emotions. Some of the emotional water was extreme and poured into the cup in great amounts, while others were simple and only trickled into his figurative cup.

Either way, eventually he was going to overflow.

Maybe the cup was too small for his metaphor. Really he needed a whole bucket, or even bigger, a ravine. Once he reached the limit, emotions would start bubbling over, and eventually, the dam holding the water in the ravine would bust open.

He didn't know what would happen by then.

His biggest fear was that Ladybug was right. What if it was his family? Anyone could be Hawkmoth, even Felix. He felt guilty, he didn't look fondly on his reaction back in the park with her.

But nonetheless, no apologies were coming her way.

After looking around his house for quite some time, looking for any clues—a box to conceal the miraculous, a secret passage into a chamber he didn't know about, a miraculous on any of the people living in the house hold, and so on—he gave up. There was nothing, but that brought him no relief.

In one last attempt to figure it out, he texted Felix.

After what happened all those months ago, Adrien had tried, tried, and tried again to message Felix. Never did he get a response. That didn't stop him trying again, of course. Still, he expected nothing. And that's what he got—nothing.

In defeat, Chat left to go report to Ladybug. And that was that.

Adrien stood over an abyss. He was alone, his toes creeping to the edge of a sharp cliff. He couldn't see the bottom, for there was no bottom. The stars pooled down below as if he drifted in space, and all around him was a certain emptiness of that space, within a galaxy.

It was as if he stood at the edge of the universe—he was dreaming.

He could hear the sound of someone humming in his ears, but no one was there. No matter where he looked, he couldn't find the source of the humming. It was beautiful.

Snow elegantly fell from the sky, or perhaps they were stars. Little, precious stars falling sweetly into the infinite below. They glistened and glimmered, sparkling so beautifully around Adrien. They fell ever so slowly, calming and peaceful. Adrien felt at ease.

In the distance he could hear the humming turn into singing. He squinted into the depth of the universe before him, altered by falling stars and endless night. The Galaxy held many wonders.

As if half submerged in water, there was a woman in the dark, a good ways away from him. She was unreachable. Her voice was elegant and sweet to sound, like she were some siren cast to the universe to live among the stars.

She sung like a goddess. Adrien felt mesmerized just listening to her, and he couldn't move. Her song didn't sound like any language he knew, but somehow he understood what she said. She made promises of life, apologies, endless fortune and a life of gold. Purity to the hands and a gift to the eyes. All Adrien's problems seemed to wash away, as if she were the key to solving it. She could make everything right.

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