Chapter 1 - The Adventure Begins

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It was a nice cold day in London, William was resting in his new room, being to his fancy to be exact. He honestly wondered how Amelia knew that he would like a bigger bedroom all to himself. The room was plain but he didn't care. He was still resting on his bed, waiting for a reply from his new line of work. Through these few months of getting used to  Amelia's thinking process and how her work fairs, he adapted quite quick, unexpected to even himself.

He was scrolling through his phone to see the news from around the world at least, he knows that if he is working with or against weird species of entities, he might as well learn what is going on around the world. He then heard knocking on his door.

Amelia: "Yo Will! You up?"

William: "Yeah I am up. I will be there in a few..."

He got up grudgingly and slipped on his coat over his black buttoned shirt. He opened the door to see Amelia fully dressed for the day. 

William: "So Amelia. What is today's activities?"

Amelia: "We have received some information on ancient myths and it would be exciting to explore them, don't you think?"

William: "I suppose so. The only myth that would catch my eye would be the phoenix honestly."

Amelia: "Well we can all have favorites."

William just shrugs and he gets to work. Most days he files the paperwork they receive overtime and assists in certain cases. Lately he learnt how to use firearms. He never found comfort in using rifles and machine guns per say, but he was drawn to and became comfortable quickly with the high caliber pistols. With him at all times he carries a Desert Eagle, which quickly became his most favorite weapon to use. 

He is now currently focusing on sorting files into certain places so it can be easy to search through the place.

Amelia: "Want some coffee?"

William: "Sure."

Amelia hands him a cup of coffee and he takes his time to relax and enjoy the coffee.

Amelia: "You adapted quickly. I must say, you don't get much that is able to do so in such a short amount of time."

William: "I am equally surprised as you are Amelia. Though it has only been 3 months."

Amelia: "Some take longer though."

William just shrugs and continues his work.

Amelia: "Well, I was right about one thing. You were perfect for the job."

William: "Because you taught me the basics and the fundamentals. I had to learn how to use firearms myself."

Amelia: "Ain't nothing wrong with that honestly."

Her gremlin chuckle puts William at ease. Normally when they interact they normally get sidetracked by their work but since they now live under the same roof, they bonded to the point that they understand each other.

William: "Well once I am done with the files, and the lovely coffee of course, I will check the mails to see if we got anything recently."

Amelia: "That is considerate of you."

William: "Well I am just the sidekick remember?"

Amelia: "Yeah yeah.."

Her smile is quite heartwarming for William but he never properly thanked her for allowing him to have a chance in life. Once he finished sorting the files and finished his cup of coffee, he went outside to check the mail. Honestly this normally confused William on why they need physical mails if they have the internet, where they could just email people. But since it is part of the job he doesn't mind at all. Once he opened the mailbox he saw that it had at least one sealed letter. He took it to have a closer look at it.

The Detective's Sidekick (A Hololive Fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now