Chapter 4 - Tome of the Ancient Ones

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William has entered the museum, though it is still early, people do work here. The open space felt somewhat welcoming and William was thinking on whether he should just enjoy himself here or look for Ina's book, or tome to be exact.

He made his way through most of the sections of the museum but he couldn't quite get his head in the game to figure out where he needs to search, due to the amount of echoing whispers he constantly hears. It was slowly getting to him but he still kept his head straight to search. 

Many questions went through his head. What book would be so important, yet it may be a tome but why? Is the tome magical? He remembers that Ina constantly mentions this 'Ao-chan', but he is trying to wrap his head around who or what this person or thing is. He eventually found the ancient mythology section, which intrigued him since he is searching for candidates with supernatural qualities for their branch. He looked around, noticing the section containing vast knowledge. He looked around and notices a particular tale told by all, the tale of the Phoenix. Phoenixes always captivated him since childhood due to how strange their qualities were but yet to him, it symbolized rebirth. He always saw a phoenix to be an inspirational thing, hoping one day that if he tried hard enough back then, he would have been a different person. Some of his past flowed back into his mind, making him feel uneasy. He remembered the times that his family was proud of him, but the next they were disappointed. This was too much to think about for himself, but when he thought back to the phoenix, he saw it as a way of showing that you became a new person. 

William: "Wow.... The tale of the Phoenix really did captivate that much huh?"

He then continued his way further down the section, encountering something interesting to himself. The Grim Reapers. The so called beings that travel around to deliver recently deceased people to where they need to be. But it was also seen as a bad sign, showing that your own death was near. This sent chills down his own spine, he thought about the times when he felt like he wanted to take his own life away due to the amount of stress that has been given to him by the age of 19, but yet it never came. Did fate have plans for him, or was his time not there then? William never understood why grim reapers existed but yet due to his exposure, he could slowly understand why it is the case.

William: "The Grim Reapers... Such an odd but yet unique concept. They existed for such a long time, dating back to the times when humanity started as a whole. I wonder, since they do exist, how many is required....?"

He then continued his trek down the section, he slowly found interest in them but he was still focused. He wondered where would a tome be in a section like this. The next thing that caught his attention was the tale of Atlantis. Honestly he did his research on the history behind it anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to hear another point of view. It goes on to tell the legends behind why it possibly sank and what happened to the people who originally lived there. Though it said it was beautiful, William couldn't be too sure.

William: "I could possibly ask Gura about that...."

William continued his search but then he heard a loud echoed voice call out to him, this time in English.

???: "Help.... us....."

The voice made his ears ring, he couldn't understand this pain he is feeling. It felt odd to him, he wasn't being damaged by anything physical but yet his head is aching and his heart was pumping so fast that it felt like it was hitting his ribcage. 

William: "W-What a-are you...?"

???: "Come..... to us....."

William was trying to process what the hell was going on but he eventually was able to move again. The pain didn't want to stop, he was stumbling on his steps and he had no choice but to hang on a wall to support himself. His body felt heavier than usual and he could feel his sweat increasing profusely. 

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