Chapter 6 - An Odd Reunion

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It has now been a full week since they arrived to Berlin. William was unsure if this was the correct city to be to search for them but yet this city was making him uncomfortable each day he was still around. Today he decided to travel on his own, to get some alone time since Amelia, Gura and Ina are busy with their own activities for the day. 

William: "Huh... According to Amelia, they are going to explore the more dangerous parts of Berlin, yet they don't want to take me with them... Well, guess I am a liability."

William always had this kind of mindset when he gets left behind, since he never saw himself being great at most things. He then stopped in his tracks and looked at a particular restaurant that was in front of him. 

William: "KFP...?"

William was confused on what it meant but he might as well have a look. He never knew this restaurant before so it could be brand new around Berlin, or Germany for that part. Once he was inside, the place kind of reminded him of a diner, small but yet it would feel comfy. He to a seat at one of the tables that has no one by it, since this diner is quite busy today. Once he sat down, he looked outside the window and had a look at the citizens going on their normal days.

William: "I honestly wonder.... Do others go through the same experiences..."

Then he was interrupted by someone approaching him.

???: "Welcome to the KFP, may I take your order?"

Once he looked to who it was, he saw a girl who looked like his age. She had bright orange hair with the end of her hair having a blue-green color to it. Her eyes were purple, and once he realized this, his mind flashbacked to the girl named Kiara. But he mentally shook it off.

William: "Apologies, I am new here. Is it possible to get a menu perhaps..?"

???: "Of course, I will be right back."

He waited for at least two minutes until she got back. He received his menu and looked at the menu. Though it mostly was chicken sticks and things along those lines.

William: "Well I guess I can try the spicy chicken wings and a cup of coffee would be great."

The girl nodded and took the menu. Once she was gone, he couldn't shake the feeling of her being Kiara, but judging by how she acted, she must have forgotten about him. He sighs and continues to look out the window. Waiting for a little bit, he got his coffee earlier since the spicy chicken wings were busy still. He took his time with the coffee. 

Then suddenly someone sat right in front of him, facing his direction. It was a girl with long tied up pink hair and yet her eyes were a darker pink, more closer to a red. Yet her attire was casual like, it still makes William aware of her presence.

???: "I apologize for taking this seat, do you mind?"

William: "Not at all miss. I was just enjoying some peace and quiet. But if you want to chat, ask away."

Calli: "Okay then. My name is Mori Calliope, but my friends would call me Calli. And you are?"

William: "William.... William Bismarck."

Calli: "I see. What a name, yet you look German and your last name is German but your first name is not. Anything interesting about that?"

William: "Well my mother was not originally German, she was from America. She wanted to name me instead of my father so it got to that conclusion."

Calli: "I see. Although, why are you here?"

William: "What do you mean?"

Calli: "I can tell you don't live in Berlin. Are you on some sort of trip or something?"

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