Chapter 2 - The Shark

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It is a peaceful afternoon in London, they decided to have dinner at a particular restaurant, though William was against it at first, he just went with it. Amelia was enjoying her coffee while William was searching through his phone.

Amelia: "So found anything good?"

William: "Not yet. The more I search, the more ancient lore I tend to find."

Amelia: "Well at least that is better than nothing..."

William agrees with a nod but then he received a text from someone. When he checked, it was Marine, though William felt weird having a girl as one of his contacts, she has been rather clingy and wanting to know a lot. William does show a bit of frustration on the fact he is basically not even getting a chance to be properly alone anymore.

Amelia: "Is something wrong?"

William: "How did she get my number....?"

Amelia: "Who?"

William: "Marine Houshou... Did you give her my number...?"

Amelia: "I don't know what you are talking about.."

The moment she says this, she has smug expression that shows that she did secretly give Marine his number. William did get a bit annoyed by her smug look but he sighed.

William: "Whatever. Well, who was the first candidate that we need to search for again?"

Amelia: "It is someone who is around here luckily enough..."

Then she was interrupted by someone who appeared to be smaller than Amelia but she did seem cute to some degree. Her white hair having some stripes on the edges of her hair being a blue. The hair is strangely wild but yet well-kept. Her ocean blue eyes were quite captivating for William. She was a waitress for this establishment.

Gura: "Hey there. I am Gura Gawr, pleasure to meet ya. What can I get for ya two today?"

William was a bit skeptical about her but shrugged it off and focused on ordering his food. In the end, the two ordered the same meal that they would normally get, fresh beef burger and some fries. They both started eating rather slowly so they could think about who the waitress was since she doesn't look like an ordinary person from first glance.

Amelia: "Well she did seem like our candidate.."

William: "Was the candidate's name Gura Gawr?"

Amelia: "Yep. Even though her appearance was not given, she is rather new around here."

William: "Well got to have to find some sort of income.."

William then continues eating in silence, listening to Amelia.

Amelia: "That may be true, but since she is our first candidate.... We could ask her up front about it but that might ruin the chance. We could try to convince her about joining us but that might not work. But yet the more I think about it, maybe she could be one that we need to earn trust perhaps...."

William: "Well to be honest, you had to earn my trust the first time we met remember?"

Amelia: "Yeah, but some are not as stubborn as you."

William: "Fair point."

The rest of the meal was in silence, though they enjoyed it, they still had Gura in their minds. Amelia was thinking about how they could get her on their side. While William was thinking on how they could confront her about what she is. Once their meals were done, Gura appeared again but when she collected the plates, she asked if any of them wanted dessert and William just felt like having one, but Amelia decided to head home early.

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