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Chapter 4.


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The door to her bedroom opened while Nura was working on her project behind her desk, Nicolas walked in with 2 chocolate milkshakes. He placed the glass down in front of Nura, and she looked up at him, he sent her a smile.

"Thank you." She smiled back.

"No worries, you know I take care of my smart sister." He teased and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I know I'm hard on you at times, but I'm your brother, I love you. You and mom are my whole world, you know that, right ?" He raised his eyebrow and she nodded.

"Are you okay, tho ?" She asked him.

"I'm good." He nodded, waving the elephant in the room off. He didn't want to talk about the whole police incident.

"You know you have to be careful with the police around here." Nura said.

"Why do we have to be careful ? Why can't they just treat us as humans ?" He scoffed.

"They haven't been treating us as humans for centuries, what makes you think they will now ? In their eyes you are just another black man, but in our eyes you are everything we have. Stop moving this reckless Nicolas." She said.

"It's just not fair." He shook his head.

"I know it's not fair, but you got more to live for than worrying about what's fair and what's not. Protect yours and you, because all they are trying to do is put you in jail or bury you." She made a point and he nodded his head.

"Now that don't mean you should keep silent about the shit that be happening, your voice was gifted." She added, causing him to chuckle.

"This why you are definitely dad's daughter." He said.

"Well, you should give me dad his tags then." She pointed at the tags' astronaut wear to space, Nicolas was wearing them on a necklace.

"Why don't you wear the medal he gave you ?" He looked confused.

"I'm scared I'm going to lose it, it's impossible to wears it on a necklace." She shook her head.

"Well, you ain't getting these." He shook his head, touching his necklace.

"Please, we can switch them. One week I'll wear them and the other week you can." She said.

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