Chapter 1

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I'm walking onto Platform 9 3/4. I hug my parents goodbye and board the train. I go down the train looking for my friends. When I finally found them I was so pissed off because, someone I have spent the last five year hating was in there too. 

I opened the door "Hello Blaise, Luna!" I turn to the tall man "Malfoy always a pleasure to see you." I place my stuff in the over head compartment and sit next to Draco. "So how was the holidays guys?" Luna answered in her sweet soft tone "It was wonderful my father and I got some new pets and plants." I smile and turn to Blaise who doesn't answer. 

"Well my holidays were just wonderful." Draco answered in his deep husky voice. I roll my eyes than the train arrives at Hogwarts Station. I grab my stuff from the over head compartment. I get off the train and tell my friends that I will meet them later. Draco follows me and says "Who do you have a crush on Quinn?" I turn around and reply "Now why would you ask such a question Malfoy?" He smirks at me and continues to walk with me. "I was just curious I need to get to know the person that's hated me for the last 5 years." I roll my eyes. "And you don't hate me?" He laughs in his deep husky voice, "No, I don't actually, I don't hate anyone, I dislike you but I don't hate you." I laugh and reply "Ok I'll see you in an hour at dinner Malfoy." He laughs and we go our separate ways. 

Luna and I walk to dinner together and go to separate ends of the hall as I'm a Slytherin and she's a Ravenclaw. Dinner's were quite nice I sat next to Blaise and we had the most hilarious conversations. This night was different as Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, sat directly in front of us. Usually I see Draco at dinner and we lock eyes some times and look away and talk to other people but, tonight he sat right across from me and Pansy sat right in front of Blaise. I look at them confused. "No Hello?" Draco asks. I look at him again, "Hello Parkinson. Hello D-Malfoy." I say to them. "That's more like it, and Hello to Blaise, and to Miss Quinn." I laugh and roll my eyes "You sound like Professor Snape." Draco rolls his grey and silver eyes and continues to talk with Blaise and Pansy. 

They continued not talking to me for about half an hour, so I get up and say in an angry tone "If you don't want to talk to me, fine but at least tell me!." With that I left and went to the Slytherin Common room in the dungeons. I put my stuff in my room and got changed into a black lace bralette with a pair of black sweat pants, I went into the main sitting area and sat by the fire reading my favourite book. After another half hour, my so called friend came back with guess who? Pansy and Draco. For once Pansy wasn't wrapped around Draco like a lost dog she was how ever wrapped around Blaise and he didn't mind.

Draco came over and sat next to me and said in a low deep tone "I'm sorry for what we did." I look at him and we lock eyes for a moment. "It's fine, I'm used to it." Draco gave me a confused look "What do you mean, your used to it?" I look up at him and say nearly in tears "D-don't worry you'll just make fun of me." Once I said that I got up to leave when Draco says "I won't make fun of you." I look at him and roll my eyes "Yeh right, we have hated each other for years of course you'll make fun of me Dr-Malfoy!"  Draco rolls his eyes and grabs my wrist "For the last time I do not hate you I actually really like- never mind." I snatch my wrist from his grasp and walk up to my room. I walk into my room and see Blaise and Pansy asleep on her bed, I look at them in disgust and walk out of the room to see Draco waiting for me. "Yes?" Draco grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me to a secret room "Where are we Malfoy, what do you think you are doing?" Draco looked at me and said "I really would love to be friends with you and be on a first name bases." I look at him as if he was crazy. "Everyone knows we are enemies if we all of a sudden become friends it will be weird so maybe we slow play it so everyone doesn't think something else is going on."

We shook on it and I was surprised he has very soft skin and very strong hands. I did notice his ring and kept holding his hand after we shook hands I analysed his hand a noticed more little things like some light scaring on his hands and veins popping out of his hand and rings. "I love this ring of yours." Holding up his ring finger with a small snake with an emerald in the middle of the ring. "Would you like it?" I look up at him still holding his hand. "But it's your ring I'm sure it has some reason or meaning to you." He looks down upon me, "No you can really have it..." I look into his eyes noticing every small detail and I reply "Okay but you can have it back if you would like." He nods and I slide the ring off and place it on my middle finger which is the only finger it fits on. 

We go back to the common room, and sit on the couch next to the fire. Draco sits right next to me and he put his arm behind me resting on the couch. We are sat there staring at the fire in silence. I get bored and say "So M-Draco, how have you been of late?" Draco looks at me and smiles "Well Y/N I've been okay, how have you been?" I look at him and don't answer "What's wrong?" I didn't answer because I didn't want him to think I am weak. Draco wraps his arm around me forcing me to rest my head on his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me." Draco says in a sensitive but deep and husky tone. I look up at him and smile. "I really don't hate you Draco I never have, I just thought that if I was being rude to you maybe you would notice me more.." Draco looks at me confused "What do you mean?" I ignore him and say goodnight, I go up to my dorm. I go to sleep as tomorrow is Dumbledores big announcement.

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