Chapter 10

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Before the war I was crying my heart out into Draco's shoulder. You'll be fine he said to me, I didn't believe the last thing I said to the love of my life was I love you so fucking much and I cant wait to see you soon. I did love him very much and all I thought about was him and only him.

I was in position getting ready to shoot a bright green flame into the sky. After a few hours I stood in the middle of the court yard and shouted at the bird that flew by "Avada Kedavra." That was the sign death eaters came out of no where and ambushed the unsuspecting victims of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. All I hear is people screaming spells and all I see is people falling down covered in blood. 

I run as fast as I can past all the spells than someone tried using one of Snape's spells on me. I successfully blocked the curse and killed them with two words. I heard them scream and fall down right in front of me. I kept running for the inside of the castle but Gryffindor's kept trying to harm me. The more that tried killing me the more died. I have never killed this many people in a row before. "Y/N I need your help." I hear someone familiar call out for me. I quickly flew up to see who it was.

It was who I feared. "Draco! No! What happened my love?" I ask with pure fear and pain in my eyes and voice. "Someone used Snape's curse on me again." Draco says coughing and in visible pain, it looked like someone slashed Draco up with a sword. "It's okay you'll be fine." I say and then right after I say "Vulnera Senentur." I repeated with my wand going down his body. "Your okay baby." As I say that I see Snape come up to us "How did you know the reversal spell to my cure?" I look at him "Does it fucking matter? I don't want to be in this war I have just seen some of my closest friends die and I've had to kill some of them myself." Snape's face dropped "You have to find Harry and either kill him and bring his body back or bring him to Voldemort." 

I shake my head "Okay..." Draco go back to Malfoy Manor I will meet you their later okay I love you." I gave him a kiss and left to go and fight. "Avada Kedavra." I say about 10 times. When I see the person I think hurt Draco I drag them into an empty hall "I can't fucking believe you Hermione he is the love of my life and you tried leaving him for dead!" Tars running down both our faces I say "I'm sorry but I have to do this Sectumsempra." Hermione screams and starts crying. "Draco was right you are a filthy mud blood now you'll be dead before you are found." I grab Hermione's wand and snap it in half and those halves into halves again. Hermione's face dropped and she said in the weakest voice "Just kill me please." My face dropped and I cried "Why did you do that to Draco?" she didn't answer "Fine don't tell me" I look into her memories "You bitch AVADA KEDAVRA!" I shout and then I she immediately stops screaming and I scream myself "No what the fuck..."

I pick up her body and place it on a bench nicely and lay her hands on her chest. "I'm so sorry Hermione I promise I will keep Ron safe." I cry as I run out. Green sparks flying more people falling. When I'm running on the bridge I see so many people lying down looking like they were asleep but I knew they were dead which hurt me. I stumbled across one particular body it was Luna. She wasn't dead yet but bleeding out I picked her up and took her to where Hermione was and placed her down and healed her but let her rest their for a while.

I left Hogwarts to find Harry and did "Harry I promise you I am not here to kill you, I am here to tell you something though. I killed Hermione. You have the right to know and she used Snape's spell to try kill Draco." Harry laughed and laugh and it made me mad "I don't care who she killed, Draco deserved it assuming he finally died." Tears running down  my face I laugh and say "No I saved him no one's here to save you though." With that I yell "Sectumsempra." Harry fell to the ground covered in blood and I picked him up and took him to the court yard and told Voldemort to kill him in front of everyone. 

Everyone heard someone yell at the top of their lungs "AVADA KEDAVRA!" When everyone looked they saw Voldemort killing Harry I hear Ginny yell "NO" I cry and go up to her and hug her I whisper in her ear "I'm so fucking sorry Ginny." When Nevil runs out though I yell at the top of my lungs "Avada Kedavra!" Followed by "Fuck you Nevil you cunt trying to kill Luna! Your on the same fucking side." I knew he couldn't hear that because he was dead but I said it anyway. 

I drop to my knees when Bellatrix runs over to me and hugs me "Where is Draco?" she asks I reply with "Should be back at the Manor" I feel her head shake and my stomach drops. "Where is he?" I ask and she takes me to the woods. I see Draco laying their in a pool of his own blood and I fall to my knee's crying and rest my head on his chest "Draco? Hun are you their?" I start crying when he doesn't answer "He isn't dead is he?" Bellatrix shrugs her shoulders and I just cry even more I use a spell to stop the bleeding and use a spell for him to float behind me and I take him back to Hogwarts.

"WHO THE FUCK KILLED MY BOYFRIEND?!" I yell. Everyone went silent. "STEP THE FUCK FORWARD." All of a sudden I see Ron step forward "It wasn't me Y/N I know you promised Hermione you'd look after me but I hate calling out my own family members but it was my sister." My heart drops "Ginny?" When I was about to shoot the spell I felt a strong hand grab my arm followed by a deep but weak voice saying "She's not worth it darling." I smile and turned around to Draco standing behind me.

I drop down to my knees and cry. Draco picks me up and hugs me "I told you we will be fine." He says to me. I laugh, "I thought I lost you for good. I don't know what I'd do without you." Ginny steps forward "Shut the fuck up Y/N you killed Hermione, you killed most of your friends you made Harry bleed out than brought him to Voldemort and than try comfort me. Just, Just kill yourself already. No one fucking likes you." I laugh and go up to her "Fuck you! Ginny I should just kill you right now you'd be like Lily and James Potter except you'd be Ginny and Harry Potter the couple who tragically got murdered by the most powerful wizards in the world." With that I whispered whilst pointing my want at Ginny "Avada Kedavra." She fell down and her mum went straight to her aid, but she was way to late. 

Voldemort laughed and said "Once I die Y/N shall take my place." I laugh and say "Yup that day might be closer than you thought" When Draco stepped in front of me and said "You turn even the best people to murderers." Voldemort laughs "That is true." Than Draco says "Fuck you! Avada Kedavra." Draco killed Voldemort. I was now the most powerful wizard on earth.

I smiled and kissed Draco in front of everyone. Draco got down on one knee and as he was about to proposed something stabbed me in the back. Lucius stabbed me in the back and I fell to the ground "You will not marry her. Well you cant she's dead almost." Draco screams. "Snape! Help right now!" Snape comes over and try's saving me. I start laughing "Draco it's okay, I deserve this, yes. I will marry you. Snape can you marry us?" Snape nods and marries us but I was still bleeding out. 

"I love you Y/N" Draco says. My eyes water up "I love you to Draco." Everyone at this point was crying "I can't save her. I'm sorry Draco." Draco cry's his heart out when all of a sudden I say "When I die remember me by looking at the astronomy tower or looking at my wand, it was never meant to end like this darling. We cant change my fate." Draco shakes his head "Please don't leave me like this. I cant imagine my life without you." I smile and give Draco a kiss and say "Remember the good times tell people how this all went down my love. I love you so fucking much. but this is unfortunately goodbye." Draco cry's "I love you so fucking much too. Goodbye darling I will always remember you." After Draco said that a single tear fell down my cheek and my soul left my body.  Draco cried into my chest holding the hand with his snake ring on my finger.

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