Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks since I killed Dumbledore I was surprised to see how many people actually cared about him, I'm sure Harry Potter told everyone of what I did, I honestly don't care to be honest, as long as I have Draco, Blaise and Luna I'll be fine. Once we got out of hiding I went back to school. When I walked through the halls everyone either stared at me or avoided me. It didn't bother me as much as everyone would think, which surprised everyone.

"Hey Luna, how's it going?" I ask her, Luna looks at me and says "I heard what you did Y/N I thought you wouldn't do something as cruel as that." I roll my eyes "Yeh well I did and that's such bullshit I would have done that to anyone if I had to in a heartbeat. Are we still friends or are you now to scared to be friends with the so called enemy?" Luna looks at me and replies "Yes of course we are still friends!" Luna gives me a hug and I hug her back. On my way to potions Harry pulls me into a stairwell and say "Why didn't you try killing me that night? You saw me I was unarmed-" I stopped him and said "I'm not that horrible to kill two people on the same night maybe another time." Harry rolled his eyes and pushed me up against the wall "Where is Draco, no where to save you now." As Harry pulled out his wand I pulled out mine quicker and placed it just underneath his chin "What did you plan on doing killing me and trying to kill my grandfather? Well that wont happen. Draco come lets take him to the Dark Lord." We went to the Dark Lord with Harry. 

"Hello my Lord." I say to Voldemort "Oh please Y/N, call me grandpa or Tom." I nod and push Harry forward "I killed Dumbledore and as promised I brought you-" Voldemort interrupts me "Harry Potter." I nod and he says "Leave me alone with him." I nod and leave with Draco back to Hogwarts. "Draco am I a cruel person?" Draco lifts up my chin and says "Of course not, you are an amazing person, who is misunderstood." I look at him and said "I'm not misunderstood you are because people think you are a horrible person when you really aren't but with me I killed someone and I am a cold person." Draco gives me a kiss and held my hand taking me to class. 

"I'll see you later okay I love you." I nod and give Draco a kiss "I love you too." I walk into class all eyes are on me "Hello Miss Riddle, How are you doing?" Professor Snape asks. I look at him and say "Hello Professor, I'm doing well, how are you?" I ask. "That's good to hear I need to talk to you in private." I nod and go with him. "I was asked to look after you by the dark lord." I roll my eyes and say "Of course." I go back into the room and sat next to the person I used to love with all my heart.


"I love you so much." I say to Nevil. Nevil replies with "I-I don't love you anymore.. your a Slytherin and your mean, so I do not love you and never will."


"Hello Nevil." I say stubbornly I haven't spoke to him since the break up "H-hello Y/N, how have you been?" I look at him "Very well. How have you been?" He looks at me "Good, until you killed Dumbledore, you haven't changed a bit you are mean and cold and horrible." I slap him "Call me that again I dare you. Draco treats me better than you ever did, and doesn't hold fucking stupid grudges against people over something that happened a year ago! Yes I killed Dumbledore, yes I have been a horrible person but don't hold things against people! I have never done that to you I could sit here and list all the shitty thing you did to me! You know what I'll list them in front of the whole class shall I?" Nevil shakes his head "Please don't you'll ruin my friendships." I roll my eyes. "Everyone while I was with Nevil Longbottom last year he repeatedly abused me. He belittled me and didn't let me have any friends." I go up to Nevil and whisper in his ear "It's only going to get worse for you from here Longbottom."

I storm out of the class and go down to the lake. I cry into my knee's and start talking to myself "I'm a horrible person Nevil is right. I hate myself enough all ready he makes it ten times worse! He will soon see what's coming for him very soon." Someone comes up behind me and says "Your not a horrible person Y/N your a lovely person you've just done some bad things, your right you can't be held responsible for the bad things you've done when you are an incredible and smart person, I'd be lucky to have you have you as a friend." I turn around to see Hermione Granger standing their "You really think so?" Hermione nods and says "Don't get me wrong I'm extremely scared of you and I hate that you killed Dumbledore and I hate you kidnaped Harry to take him to you know who, but your a nice person, you treat the people you care about with respect and love. I hate to hear what Nevil did to you he seems like a nice person to but deep down clearly not." Hermione gives me a hug and says "I'd like to be your friend." I look at her funny "I don't think that would work we are on two different sides I feel like if I told you anything you'd go tell Harry or Ron." Hermione tilts her head down "I wouldn't I promise." I look at her and say "Swear to it." She looks at me "But if I broke it I would die.." I nod and say "That's the idea if you promise me something like that I really have to make sure I'm sorry I have bad trust issues, but can you blame me?" She nods "Okay I'll make the unbreakable vow."

I get Luna out here to cast the unbreakable vow against Hermione and it was done. Now I could tell her everything and if she told someone she'd be dead. "Thank you Hermione I can trust you now." She tilted her head down and left. When she and Luna left I cried from the hurtful words said by Nevil when I hear someone again come up behind me say "What's wrong darling?" I was relived to hear Draco's voice "Oh nothing, I just.." Draco gives me a look like he knew "What did Nevil say to you?" I look up and said "Just brought up exactly what he said to me a year ago reminding me how horrible and mean a cruel I am." Draco let out an annoyed sigh and sat down behind me wrapping his legs and arms around me "I love you so much." I say to Draco scared of what he was going to say "I love you so much too." Draco replied. I smile and tilted my head back. Draco gave me a kiss on the lips. I smile. "Remember when I said we wouldn't ever date because it would be to toxic?" Draco sighs and replies with "Yes I do remember that truly heart breaking conversation." I laugh "Well I only said that because I was scared that you'd be just as abusive and mean and horrible as Nevil, I'm glad I was wrong." Draco rests him chin on my head and says "Wait he did what?" I reply with "Pardon." Draco than replies with "Did you just say he abused you and was disrespectful to you?" I answer with "Mhm.. Shit Snape heard that to and promised Voldemort he'd look out for me shit! Snape will tell him everything I said." I started crying. "I have to do something about this before you know who does"

I run off and go up to Nevil and yell out "Oh Nevil!!!! You are so dead just like you fucking parents!" I run up to Nevil and say "Crucio!" I laugh and smile "I'm going to give you the same painful and so called cruel death that Bellatrix Lestrange gave your parents. You know I've always looked up to Bellatrix she taught me so much especially to have no mercy or sympathy for disgusting people like you!" As I was about to kill Nevil, Draco shouted out "Y/N don't kill him." I don't break eye contact but my eyes water up and my voice breaks "B-but he hurt me and destroyed my perception of love... he nearly made me not want to date anyone again and made me feel like I cant be loved... I have too." Draco answers with "No you don't" I answer with "Will you leave me if I kill him?" Tear running down my face, Draco walks up to me "No I will never leave you, but don't kill him." I reply with "If I don't Bellatrix or someone will and it will be ten times worse I'm doing him a favour." Draco says "I will love you no matter what you choose to do.."

"I fucking hate you for what you did, I really fucking hate you but I think instead of killing you I'll hand you over to the dark lord and the death eaters can have you." I smile whilst crying which mad Nevil scream. Everyone saw how horrible I seemed but I was happy that I had Hermione on my side.

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