Chapter 9

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During the Christmas holidays I stayed at Malfoy Manor with Draco and his family, Lucius and Narcissa, where so happy that I wanted to stay with them. They treated me as equal to them. I love being their it made me so happy, being with Draco every day. Although everyday got more stressful since Harry escaped. Voldemort got angrier and more willing to start a war with Hogwarts if it means Harry would be dead. Voldemort wants to kill Harry, himself or wants me to do it since he said that I have his blood running through my veins. 

"Y/N are you seriously going to kill Harry if Voldemort cant?" Draco asks me "Well yeah." Draco nods "I see. I love how fearless you are but I don't even know how many people you have killed. How many Y/N tell me." I look at Draco and say "I don't know all I know everyone I have killed, has been killed by this wand, I'll find away to know how many if you so desperately want to know." 

"Hello, Tom I need to ask a kind of weird question." Voldemort turns to me and says "What is it you need to ask me?" I smile and say "How do I find out how many people I have killed with my wand?" Voldemort looks at me in confusion "Well that is a weird question but I suppose you need to ask it quite literally ask it." I smile and say "That you so much." 

I look at my wand and say "How many lives has this very wand taken?" The wand whispers to me and even I am shocked at the high high number. "Draco! Draco your going to fucking hate me." Draco ran up to me "What how many Y/N?" I look down and shake my head "Y/N fucking tell me!" I continue to shake my head with tears running down my face when, Draco puts his hands on my shoulder's and slightly shakes me, "Fucking tell me right now!" I shout out at him "1700!" Draco stops and says "You didn't say 1700? Right that must be wrong." I shake my head "It's the right number I went back in time and counted it's right." Draco laughs "Oh my fucking gosh I am dating a fucking psycho!" My face drops "What the fuck did you just call me Draco?" Draco laughs cornering me between him and wall. "You are a fucking psychopath." I push Draco away from me "You don't fucking love me do you?" I say to Draco centimetres away from his face. "I do love you. Of course I fucking love you, I actually find it kind of hot that I'm dating someone who is crazy."

Draco smirks after that sentence. I look at him confused but before I could say anything, I feel Draco's arms around my waist pulling him in, I feel his soft lips against mine. I pull back and say "What the fuck." Draco smirks but before he could say anything I hear someone scream my name "What is it what happened?" Voldemort looks at me "We are going to war. It starts tomorrow night." My face drops and I start to stutter. "Mhm o-okay." I go to Draco's room and cry "Draco we are you going to war tomorrow! I don't want to loose you." Draco looked into my eyes "No you wont lose me I will try saving our people meaning people who are related to death eaters, Voldemort will ask me to do that anyway. I will make sure I meet with you in here after the war. I promise." I smile "Fuck me." I whisper "What was that darling" I laugh and say "Shower with me?" Draco laughs and says "Of course."


"We need to come up with a plan quick. I know Draco is going to get all your children to safety and make sure they stay safe. I know that Y/N will be battling with us. What do you think we should do Bellatrix?" Bellatrix laughs and says "My Lord, I think we should go into the castle in a few hours whilst their is still light. Hide in all area's of that school, and ambush them at dark. They will have no time to plan giving us a guaranteed win." 

"Great plan Bellatrix that's incredible I'll tell Y/N and Draco what's happening." Bellatrix questions Voldemort and she says "Is it true Y/N will kill Harry if you cannot?" I nod.


"Lets go down to the dining hall." I say to Draco "Okay Miss Riddle" I give Draco a kiss. "Y/N, Draco I was just about to go looking for you two. I have some news for you two." Voldemort looks at me and says "Get into your clothes we are going to hide in Hogwarts until it's time to ambush them" I laugh, "You cant be serious? Draco and I can walk right in their without being suspected of anything. you guys are the one's that need to hide until we shoot a green flame into the air in the courtyard." Voldemort agrees, and it is settled the plan for us to ambush Hogwarts is all falling into place quite nicely.

Draco and I walk into Hogwarts, Draco wearing his iconic black suit with a snake pendent on his tie. I was wearing a black suit pants with black heals and black lace bralette. Draco and I went to our classes as normal Snape was at the school like normal. After class I quickly went to the room of requirement with Draco and we let all the death eaters into the school. They all went to their spots whilst the rest of the death eaters slowly gathered in the forbidden forest. 

It was a waiting game for the next couple hours.

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