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Everest's POV:

I usually don't have sex with people that I know, let alone people that I only met once and managed to piss off within seconds of meeting them. Well, apparently Matias is the exception because he's currently the one kissing along my neck and sending shivers down my spine with how he's stroking my chest and stomach with his hand.

My back arches and I try to shove myself into his hand and get him to touch me even more. It's frustrating that he keeps holding back with his touches, but I take one look at his smug face and know he's doing this on purpose.

The other Alphas that I slept with usually were right to business; they didn't talk, didn't do much foreplay... they just showed up when I was far enough into heat to be able to get in.

Since the STD tests were clean and I'm infertile, there was no contraception needed. They just showed up when I needed it and left when I started to have a panic attack. They left it to the front desk to come in and give me one of those gross pills to calm me down.

I don't know why I panic when I'm in heat, but the nurse told me it's most likely due to my fear of abandonment and recognizing that none of the Alphas are actually going to stay around.

Apparently I'm just needy for companionship.

"Everest," Matias whispers and I peek up at him.

Based on his expression, I'm assuming he was calling my name for a few seconds now.

"Are you alright? You've been zoned out."

"My heat is killing my insides. It's hard to focus," I respond, a small whimper escaping when he grabs my inner thigh.

Matias hums. "I assumed. I was asking if I could strip you down."

Okay, that's pretty hot.

I mean, let's be honest, I'm so horny that anything is hot right now. Well, anything Matias does, because he has to be the second hottest guy I've ever seen.

The first being my goddess given mate, even if he didn't want me. He's still attractive in my mind, which I hate because he broke my heart.

"Yes," I whisper, and Matias gives me a predatory grin and begins to slowly take off my pants and shirt.

He doesn't hold back and takes off my underwear so I'm completely naked in front of him. There's something kind of hot about being naked in front of him while he's still wearing his clothes, but I want to see him naked.

I've never had this much foreplay before sex, so I'll take it.

"You're beautiful," Matias whispers, pulling me toward him so I'm straddling one of his legs and resting my chin on his chest. "Your mate didn't deserve you."

My heart swells and tears spring to my eyes, but Matias kisses them away.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks, tilting my chin with his fingers.

I don't answer him; I just press our lips together and Matias takes over in seconds. We kiss until my cramps start getting worse and I pull away to grit my teeth together and whimper in pain.

"Shh, it's okay," Matias whispers, his voice much deeper than before as he rolls my onto my stomach and hovers over me. "Deep breaths, Everest."

Easy for him to say! He's not the one who feels like a demon is taking a knife to his internal organs and stabbing like there's no tomorrow!

"Would you just stick your dick in me?" I growl, shoving my face into the sheets.


Is he seriously quoting me from yesterday?!

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