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Matias' POV:

Everest is still pretty tired, as he is finishing his heat. Even though the scent has lessened, it still made Anthony and his guards fidget a bit, so I'm glad I got Everest away before their own scents came out and made him feel shaky.

After our argument, he fell asleep. Before fully allowing sleep to take him, he warned me that he'd bite my dick off if I tried to cuddle with him while he slept. That little wolf is fierce, so I have no choice but to believe him.

So, I'm settled with a few inches of space between us, watching him sleep. He's much less tense when he sleeps, and he is beautiful as ever. My heart quickens in my chest as I watch him, and I feel the desire to hold him, but I won't disrespect his wishes.

I know that Cody would want me to be happy and to move on, but I can't do that. I can't put Everest at risk the same way I let my first angel down. So, I'll settle for these moments when I can watch this little wolf before I get him home and never see him again.

There's a knock at the door and I let out an audible growl so whoever is out there leaves us alone.

"It's me," Anthony says in Italian. "We will be landing soon, and it is a bit windy, so you should come out here and sit in the seats."

"Fine," I say, scooping Everest up.

His eyes fly open and he glared at me. "Are you trying to encourage me to snip your pencil dick off?!"

"No, I'm trying to keep you from rolling around and getting a concussion," I respond, ignoring my inner wolf who's extremely offended that Everest called my dick small.

Everest huffs as I make him sit down in one of the seats and buckle the belt for him. "I can do that myself."

"I know, but now you don't have to."

He stays silent after that, looking to the window and watching our slow descent. There are a few times where he shifts awkwardly and I see him look over to Anthony and his two guards, who all seem to be focused on Everest. It must be the scent, which I don't like, because he's clearly uncomfortable.

I reach over and begin to gently rub my wrists on his neck, which gets him to slap my hand away.

"What are you doing?" he asks, his upper lip curled back, showing off his canines. "Fuck off, Matias."

"Would you rather my scent be on you or would you prefer them to stare at you like predators because of your heat scent?" I ask, not pulling my hands back all the way.

Everest sighs, and it's obvious he's irritated. It doesn't stop him from slowly scooting toward me and rolling his eyes as he pulls down his shirt a bit to show off his neck.

"I'm trying to keep them from eye fucking you," I murmur as I cover most of his sweet, enhanced heat scent. "It should keep them from looking at you a bit."

He scoffs. "Like you care."

"I do care."

"Keep telling yourself that."

I keep my arm around him once I've finished scenting him, and Everest doesn't complain or growl at me. It's a nice change of pace, and I can guess he hasn't been on a plane before since he tenses when we begin to land. I take my arm out from around him and grab his hand, leaning my head against his.

It seems to relax him a bit, which makes me smile. I'm pretty sure he sees my smile because he looks up at me with poison in his eyes before he looks down at our joined hands.

Once the plane is on the ground, I recognize the landing strip as the one that is about an hour drive from the mansion where my family lives.

Anthony shows us off the plane once it has fully stopped, but I know he's not doing it out of respect. It's mainly because he's supposed to ensure that we're unable to run from the guards, who are in front of us.

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