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Everest's POV:

My head is foggy and my stomach is still sore from cramping even though I'm at the end of my heat. I'm aware that I'm not at home or safe with Matias... ugh, after that interaction with those guys who clearly know him, how can I feel safe?

I'm not sure on everything, but apparently he was telling me the truth when he said that Cody's death was his fault. Honestly, I thought he was lying and just saying that due to his guilt and sadness, but I never thought it to be true.

And, I didn't know how it happened, but I didn't think it had anything to do with someone he knows! Apparently the guy that pointed a gun at me had something to do with it.

And he knows Matias.

I open my eyes, because I may have a lot of random fears, but being scared of confronting the guys that knocked me out is not a fear of mine. I refuse to let them see me sweat or be afraid even though there's a feeling of unease in my gut.

It's dark where I am, and I sit up on the soft mattress under me. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see that I'm in a tiny room, and I also see that I'm alone. Everything is so loud around me, and my heart drops when I recognize the sound.

A small window sits just to the right of me, and I open the shade and my fears are confirmed. Out the window and below is a cover of clouds, and it is not as bright outside as it should be, so the sun must be setting.

I leap out of the bed and struggle for a brief second to get the door's latch to release, and I end up tripping once I push it open. I fall face first onto the carpeted floor and scowl when I see two of the guys in black suits looking down at me.

My chin hurts and I cup it with my hand, relieved when there's no blood on it. Even though I can deal with a lot, blood grosses me out.

"Are you alright?" someone asks me, and I know it's not Matias because he has a thick Italian accent. "Here."

I see an outstretched hand, which I blatantly ignore. If this guy thinks I need his help after he threatened me with a gun, he's fucking wrong. I push myself up from the ground and cross my arms over my chest.

"Where am I?"

"On a plane," Anthony says, but it doesn't sound like he's trying to be sarcastic. "Matias is in the restroom, but he will be back soon. He does not like flying, as it makes him nauseous."

I scowl. "Why am I on a plane?"

"Because you are Matias' mate."

"I'm not. There's no mark on me!" I argue, stomping my foot on the ground in frustration so I don't punch this asshole. "Turn this fucking plane around and take me home!"

Anthony sits at one of the tables and nods to the seat across from him, where I reluctantly sit. "You mean to tell me that the building where all rejected Omegas go is your home?" he asks me, waving a stewardess over who gets us both bottles of water. "It does not seem a place that one would call their home."

"What did Matias tell you?" I ask, irritated that someone I thought I trusted would share so much about my life.

"Nothing. I did my own search since we went through your room and obtained your identification."

I scowl. "Give me my things back."


Well, someone's straight to the point.

A door opens and Matias walks out, looking a bit ill. It'd be a sight that would make me feel bad and want to comfort him if I wasn't so pissed off.

Matias sits beside me, and I scoot away from him.

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