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Everest's POV:

Matias' personal assistant is an Alpha and I am not sure how I feel about him. Since I was worried the guy could be an Omega (and a flirty one at that) I decided that I wanted to practice reading my Italian books out in the living room.

The two Alphas are working at the kitchen table, and I keep casting my eyes over to them. The other Alpha, a man named Christoper, is actually from Massachusetts. He's completely fluent in Italian and moved here since his family knows one of the other company leaders and he was asked to be a translator.

"I wasn't sure how you wanted these documents organized, so I did alphabetizing and then by date," Christopher says, showing his laptop to Matias. "And these sheets... what did you want done with these?"

Matias purses his lips. "I want them to be in their own file, but order them so the newer one is at the top of the list so I can continue to add to them."

"Yes, sir," Christopher says respectfully.

Matias stands when his phone starts to ring. "I will be back, I need to take this phone call." He disappears and Christopher continues to work while I enter the kitchen and get myself a glass of water.

"If you need a tutor, I would be happy to help," Christopher says, not looking up from his computer. "I assume you have been struggling to navigate without speaking the language."

I take a sip from my water and put it down on the counter. "I speak enough and Matteo tutors me when we have a bit of time."

"Is he too busy for you?" Christopher asks, meeting my eyes with his own. He looks kind of dorky with his huge glasses, but I keep that thought to myself and scowl at him.

"Of course not, we just usually do other things and leave learning Italian for later. And I speak enough to get around for now."

Christopher shrugs. "It was just an offer."

"If I need help, I'll ask." I sit back down at the couch and continue to struggle through my book, refusing to show any confusion on my face.

When Matias returns, he looks extremely stressed out.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, immediately rushing over to my mate.

Matias kisses my lips. "There has been another attack," he murmurs, running his hands through my hair. "Two Alphas attacked."

"You look too stressed for it to be a random attack."

"That's because it wasn't random," Matias says, grabbing his jacket. "Matteo is the victim and he's extremely injured. Emil is losing his mind and Lorenzo asked for my help to keep him contained. Christopher, I have guards stationed all around the house, but could you please keep an watch over Everest?"

I don't really feel completely comfortable around Christopher because he is so new to me, but Matias looks much too stressed to deal with my complaining right now. He needs me to take care of myself for the time being so he can go check on his brother.

"Of course, sir," Christopher says, closing his laptop. "I hope your brother is alright."

Matias nods, leaving the house and shutting the door behind me.

"Now... about me tutoring you," Christopher says. "Matias will be gone for a while, most likely, so it is a time to practice."

I shrug. "Fine," I mumble, pulling my knees to my chest as he sits on the couch beside me. "How well do you know Matias' family?"

"I don't know much about them. Lorenzo is the one who instructed me to work with Matias, but I do not know Lorenzo either. I usually work in Southern Italy for another one of the company owners, but they asked me to move up here to help out."

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