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Matias' POV:

It's been almost a month since we arrived here, and I have finally put a plan in motion to get Everest out of here. He is going to hate me, but at least I know that this plan will probably break his trust in me and stop him from liking me so it will be better for the both of us in the end.

It does not mean I am happy about this; I have fallen hard and fast for this little angel, and I am finding things about him that I love that have nothing to do with Cody. Sure, there are some similar qualities to Cody, but that is not why I like Everest. I like him for who he is, not because I want a replacement for my dead mate.

I didn't believe that having a second chance was a possibility for me. and this is only proving that it's not probable, but it could be possible. I will not let Everest go through an experimental surgery just because I want to be with him. He deserves to embrace who he is as a person, even if it is not what the rest of the world wants for him. It is who he is and I refuse to believe that being able to have a baby is his only purpose.

I did not sleep much last night; tonight my plan goes into action and I stayed up in order to relish in the time I have left with Everest and the time I have with him not hating me for what I am going to do to the poor Omega. He is going to hate me forever, never forgive me, but I hope he will be able to find happiness in what the outcome is.

Everest shifts against me and presses his nose into my neck, sighing softly.

It is already eleven in the morning, but Everest is not a morning person and he is going to have a stressful night (not that he knows it yet) so I think it's best that he continues to sleep. A bit of it is selfish on my part, because it means I get to have him at my side for a bit longer, clinging to me like I am the only one who matters.

Ever since we discussed our wolves fading, I have realized the more time that I spend with Everest, the more I feel my own flickering inside of my mind and body. I did not mention it to him because I would feel pretty bad if he couldn't feel his own and I could feel mine, but I am taking it as proof that there is some kind of connection between us... one that I will never get to pursue after tonight.

I hold Everest closer to me and kiss his forehead, trying not to let tears fall as I see the small smile forming on his lips.

My siblings know my plan, but no one else does.

Matteo was appalled that I'd let the one person that has made me smile since I lost Cody walk out of my life, but he understood. He insisted on mating Claude to take over the company so that I could have Everest and not have to have him undergo the surgery, but I know that even if Matteo mated Claude, if I ended up with Everest, my parents would still pick me as the heir.

There is a knock at my door and Sofia enters, with Antonio trailing behind her. "We have confirmed," she says, looking at me bitterly, as she shares the same opinions as Matteo and does not want Everest to leave. "He will be there tonight."

"Thank you," I respond dryly, looking down at Everest with teary eyes, but I force myself to relax when he starts to frown and squirm a bit in his sleep.

I don't want him to see me in tears because I will not be able to lie to him; he'll know and it will ruin my whole plan and desire to keep him safe. He always knows if I try to lie and I cannot find it in me to be dishonest now that I have fallen for him.

"You'll probably never be able to fall for anyone again," Sofia tells me, no emotion in her voice whatsoever. "I hope you are prepared for that."

I nod my head, never taking my eyes away from Everest. "I know. It doesn't matter... what matters is that Everest is safe and if that means following through with this plan, so be it. I don't care if it means I will never be happy, so long as he doesn't have to undergo an experimental surgery that could kill him or harm him."

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