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Two weeks later:

Everest's POV:

Emil sighs in disappointment as I try to pronounce the German word for squirrel, which is fucking complicated and I am getting frustrated with his sighs. He's more irritated that Matteo is still asleep and Matias is working so he has to entertain me.

"It's hard, okay?!" I scowl, crossing my arms and glowering.

Emil mumbles something that I can't understand; I've only been learning for a couple weeks while also learning Italian. Three days of the week, Matias and I will only speak Italian so my skills can improve.

Germany is nice and I really like it here, with the cool climate and countless national parks where we can shift and run. However, their language is something else and even though we live outside of Berlin where a good group of people speak English, I still feel isolated at times.

Matias, of course, already knows German and just has to readjust because he knows so many languages and is all amazing in that sense. Yes, I'm jealous of him for being able to know the language, and Emil is an ass of a teacher.

"It would be less hard if you paid attention," Emil comments, catching me red-handed as I peek over at Matias.

"I am paying attention." I watch Emil turn on the little nanny cam for his and Matteo's bedroom and check on his mate. "It looks like you need to pay attention as well."

Emil scowls.

Matteo is mostly healed, thanks to his enhanced healing, but he has visible scars, and there's one long one across his face that makes him feel immensely insecure about himself. He has isolated himself and is very quiet lately, and I can tell it is taking a toll on Emil.

Matias and I spend a lot of time here when Emil has to go to work, though he tries to stay home a lot. It's draining Matias because Matteo doesn't acknowledge him much either and it makes me sad that one of my friends has shifted his personality.

Emil jumps to his feet and I guess Matteo has woken up. He briskly walks down the hallway and I groan and make my way to my own mate.

Matias is obviously working, but I want attention so I climb into his lap. He continues to work, letting me rest my face on his shoulder and rubs my back.

"I'm almost done with this project and then I'll be on my weekend," Matias promises me, kissing my forehead. "Then we can go home and let the broody couple figure their shit out."

I frown. "Do you think he is going to be alright?"

"I'm not sure, angel," Matias says, sighing deeply. "He seems to be under the impression that he's ugly now because of the scars and he wants nothing more than to please Emil. Our parents taught him and Sofia that their place would always be belonging to an Alpha and if they were not beautiful enough that they were not useful. Matteo took their teachings to heart, but he deserved better."

Poor boy... at least I know I'm hot as fuck and Matias isn't ever going to find someone better than me. If he looks I'll gouge his eyes out myself, though I know he wouldn't dare.

Matias finishes up his project and we walk the short mile to our new home.

It's a great place for us; the kitchen is small since our cooking skills are limited, it's got an open set up so that it feels like there's a lot of space, but it's not big and empty like some homes are. There's a huge freezer that Matias put in for my ice cream, and he always makes sure it's stocked for me.

Our bedroom is probably the best part though; we have a huge bed with a canopy and it's always comfortable and cool. We only ever use the center of the bed when we're asleep or cuddling and I always feel safe and comfortable in our room.

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