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Matias' POV:

Finally, finally, after five long days, I wake up and don't feel the urge to fuck my mate until he passes out. Obviously, I love having sex with him, but I would like to be able to be seen as a reliable business partner to the other leaders. It hasn't really been the case lately since I've been with Everest every second of the day.

Also, I love the sweet and sensual part of our relationship and it's hard to have that when he's laying on his stomach begging me to knot him. It's hot, don't get me wrong, but there's more to our relationship than just sex.

I slide out of bed, Everest still curled up on his side of the nest with his nose shoved in one of my shirts. I guess he got a bit too hot last night because he was not on me when I woke up.

It shows that he's gotten to the end of his heat, which is good so I can leave the room and he won't be in pain or have a meltdown when he wakes up. Besides, I want to call Lorenzo, get some updates, and then make my beautiful mate breakfast.

I'm only wearing my underwear, and I don't really feel like putting anything else on. It's nicer when Everest only wears underwear around the house, so maybe he'll follow my lead.

"Finally able to stay out of your mate for more than ten minutes?" Lorenzo asks as he answers the phone, humor in his tone.

I huff. "And to think I was going to wish you a good morning."

"Ah, thank you, Matias," he replies, still sounding humored. "I assume you are asking for updates?"


"Well, the company has been running smoothly. I assigned a personal assistant to you, and he has been taking care of everything in your absence. He will come by your home when you contact him. That is all for the company. As for the Alpha wolves... we have no clue how many there are but they are relentless... they have not stopped attacking and the ones we have captured will not cooperate. They recognize myself and the other leaders, and they have perked up at your name."

I growl lowly. "So my father is the primary suspect?"

"Yes, or someone who was extremely loyal to him. My guards have been watching your home to keep you and Everest safe," Lorenzo says, sounding a bit tired and his voice is strained. "We do not know their goal, but they are acting feral and they have been attacking anyone who is not an Alpha..."

"You have someone watching my brother, right?" I ask, my heart dropping. "Sofia is with her mate in Northern Italy, so I know he is not at much of a risk, but Matteo-"

Lorenzo cuts me off. "His mate has had guards watching him around the clock when he cannot be there. Your brother is protected."

"Good. You say none of them have cracked?" I reiterate, as this is not what I was expecting when joining the company alliances.

"Not yet, but we will get to the bottom of this, I promise you. I have contacted Henry to see if anything like this is happening in America, and he has claimed to not have seen anything. That does leave your father as a prime suspect."

"Alright, keep me updated with anything you learn. Thank you for informing me," I say, truly appreciative.

Lorenzo lets out a sound of affirmation. "Of course, son. Please keep Everest out of trouble. He seems to be a magnet for problems, if I am being honest."

"I will do so," I say, smiling as I think of how huffy Everest would be if he knew what Lorenzo said about him.

With that, I hang up and receive a text a few minutes later, giving me the number of my new personal assistant. I send a text to the guy and invite him to the house later in the day so that Everest has time to wake up and is not surprised by a stranger in our house.

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