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Everest's POV:

My head is hurting, my body aches, and I feel extremely nauseous and anxious. From the additional feeling of anxiety coursing through my body, I'm assuming Matias feels the same way as I do.

I don't know where I am, but I remember what happened to me. The damn Alpha who was apparently Matias' PA ended up being a psychotic imbecile who knocked me unconscious. Of course, I don't know why, but it's pretty easy to assume that someone who hates Matias is behind it.

Unfortunately, with him running the company and knocking his father's closest employees out of the company, he has a lot of enemies. And, of course, the biggest weakness is going to be his mate.

He'd better find me soon.

I force my eyes to open; I'm terrified, but I will never let my kidnapper know that. I'm going to act like I'm not afraid because I refuse to be weak in the eyes of someone who took me away from my home.

"Ah, you are finally awake," a dangerously familiar voice says in Italian, and I'm kind of proud that I understood all of it. "Or should I use English? Sir?" He says the last part mockingly.

I glare at Anthony. "Prison life seems to have treated you like shit," I say, smirking at the bags under his eyes and the tattered clothes he wears. "A step back from the fancy suits, huh?"

"I hope Matias does not show up to our little rendezvous so that I have an excuse to kill you," he grows lowly, grabbing my neck. "You have been a pain in my side since the day I met you."

"This is your second time kidnapping me, so I'd wager you brought that on yourself," I say, my voice a bit high pitched with his fist locked around my neck. "And Matias is going to have your head when he sees the bruises on my neck."

Anthony growls and lets go as the door to the building we are in opens.

I had not looked around the structure, but it's definitely a broken down house. The door is barely holding onto its hinges, and from the way that there are some clothes and blankets strewn around, I think someone has been hiding out here.

"He's awake?" the man who entered the battered room says, and I immediately recognize him. "Mr. Amato will be pleased to hear that his son-in-law is as fierce as he mentioned."

Anthony has a look of disgust as he glares at the other man.

"Let me introduce myself properly," he says, sounding extremely cocky and flamboyant. "My name is Adrian, and I am the new right hand to Mr. Amato. Not the one you're mated to, but his father."

I scowl at him. "I don't give a fuck who you are."

Anthony bites back a smile, but once he catches my eye, he glares at me. He leans against one of the more stable columns and watches Adrian type something on his phone.

"Why am I here?" I demand.

"Well, your mate does not know his place," Adrian says, sitting down in front of me and touching my cheek. He immediately pulls his hand away when I try to bite his hand. "We are going to make a little trade with him... your life for his unnecessary position of leadership."

I scoff. "Getting his father his position back will do nothing. There's still eleven other leaders who don't want him in power."

"Oh, you're so foolish," Adrian coos, grabbing my hair in his hand, forcing eye contact. "Why do you think my Alphas have been wreaking havoc? We will rewrite these companies and seize control over them... money, power, all of that will come with it. And I think I'll keep you as my crown jewel."

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