The Only One

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Charles didn't get back from his meeting until late, or at least Penelope figured it was. After she'd hung up the phone, she'd sat back on the bed, staring into space letting everything she was feeling roll over her. She wasn't sure how long she sat there for, maybe it was minutes or hours or perhaps no time at all, but she didn't move until the bedroom door creaked open and Charles snuck in. He was moving slowly, probably to avoid waking her, but his expression became confused when he noticed the light was still on, and then softened when he saw her face. 

"Hey," he said softly, sitting on the bed so that he was facing her. "Sorry, call ran late. Time zone problems."

"It's okay. Did it go well?"

"Oh, it was fine. Just boring." He reached a hand up to her cheek, brushing a stray tear away. His eyes grew concerned as he pulled her body into his. "Ay, amore mio, what's wrong?"

Penelope closed her eyes, trying to play it off. "Oh it's nothing. I'm okay."

Charles pulled back, his eyes meeting hers. She knew in that moment that he could see right through her, and that made her feel more vulnerable than she could put into words. She was like a deer in headlights, surrounded on all sides by foes stalking her in the dark. The question remained - stay and face it or run and shut him out. 

He shook his head, pressing his lips to her forehead. "You're upset. I don't want you to be sad."

Penelope came to a realisation. She was scared and worried about telling him too much information at once...but she didn't want to push him away. Penelope's hands shook as she leant her head against his chest, drawing comfort from the steady sound of his heartbeat. 

"It's Frankie," she said finally. "He doesn't want to talk to me. He won't see me, he won't take my calls...I even wrote him a letter, but he sent it back. Wasn't even opened. I thought I was doing the right thing, by calling my brother and getting him help but I can't shake the feeling that I've lost him. And it really sucks."

"You did the right thing. I promise you did. You haven't lost him."

"It just hurts. It's like he's slipping through my fingers and I can't do anything about it. I have all this money and power and I can't do anything."

Charles pulled her closer. "You're okay," he whispered. "He'll come back to you. Maybe not today, but he will. Just give him time."

Penelope felt the sadness in her heart begin to gently ebb away. Her racing heartbeat slowed, and she felt herself beginning to relax, her problems large but not as impossible as they'd once appeared. 

Penelope's lips met Charles's as she kissed him, the salty taste of her tears lingering there. "I liked your brother today," she said hoarsely. "He was nice. You guys have the same smile."

"Arthur is...well, he's great. Confident, too. We've been through a lot together. Made us close."


"Yeah. I am sorry, though. I should have told you he was coming. I know you don't want to be anything serious-"

"I do," Penelope said before she could talk herself out of it. "I'm just scared. But it doesn't mean I'm not open to a future with you, if that's what you want too."

He gave her one of those soft smiles that made her insides feel like jelly. "It's always what I've wanted. Ever since I first met you." 

That earned him a kiss. Followed by another, and another. His hands found their way to her waist, lifting her so her legs wrapped around him. It was addictive, the way he touched her. It was as though she were the only thing he'd ever desired, like she was the oxygen he needed to breathe. 

Penelope's back arched as he kissed the soft skin along her collarbone, peeling back his blue shirt that she'd been sleeping in for the last few nights. Her own fingers found the buttons of his dress shirt, undoing them one by one as she pressed herself closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his skin. 

Penelope whimpered as his hands moved over every inch of her. He stopped kissing her just to let his eyes drink her in. "You're so beautiful," he breathed, tilting her chin upwards so that his mouth met hers. 

"I want you," she murmured in his ear, gasping as he moved rhythmically against her. 

"I want you too."

"Only you," she insisted. "Promise me there's no one else."

"I promise. For you, I promise."


The goodbye the next morning was difficult. Jane boarded the plane early to sort out a scheduling issue, leaving Penelope and Charles alone on tarmac, holding hands as she debated what to say to him. It was hard to find the right words for 'I feel like I'm going to be sick when I'm not with you even though we're not really together because I'm scared you're going to reject me and break my heart'. 

Charles was leaning against his Ferrari, wearing a black cap and sunglasses. Penelope was in a similar get up, her hair tucked into a hat that hid enough of her face to make her hard to recognise. They'd seen a small gaggle of paparazzi on their way to the strip, and it had spooked her enough to make her not want to take any chances.

As much as Penelope didn't want to face it, they were almost out of time. She had to go back, to face normality in LA far away from the peace of Monaco. This wasn't her reality, and it wasn't her home, even though she could see the beginnings of how maybe one day it could be. 

"I could fly back with you," Charles suggested, playing with the rings that decorated her fingers. "To America. I have loose ends to tie up there."

Penelope gave him a soft smile, but she shook her head. "No. You belong here, and the season starts soon."

"So this is goodbye?"

"For now. I guess."

Penelope checked her phone. It was time. 

Charles gave her a knowing look. "You have to go?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "Don't forget about me."

That seemed to amuse him. He backed her against the car, a playful twinkle in his eye. "Forget about you? Never. Especially considering I just bought you a present."

Penelope gasped. "You did?"

"Mmhm. Here. For you."

Charles handed her a small red box, placing it in her hands. When she opened it, she found a necklace, hanging from it a car pendant. It was beautiful, gesture and gift alike. 

"A car," she realised, "because I'm such a bad passenger?"

He grinned, kissing her cheek. "Partly. But mainly because racing is my life and now you're a part of that. So, you get a car."

It was perfect. Penelope wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply. "I really have to go," she insisted, fighting the urge to stay there with him. 

"I know," he sighed, taking her hand again and beginning the walk towards the plane. "I know."


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